how many hits should a beginner take?


I have a bong, i usually fill it up about 1/3 full and then milk it. I only take 1 full hit and I am high as fuk. I use about half a gram a day. I take 1/3 full bowl every 3 hours. Is this a good amount to start with?


Active Member
Smoke till you get as high as you want dude, don't let anyone else tell you how to enjoy your herb


Active Member
1/3 bowl every 3 hours? Id say thats good and be happy your tolerance isnt to high cuz I have to smoke a gram every 2 hours lol. Some people smoke waaay more!

Happy smoking bro!


Well-Known Member
I smoke pretty much non stop when i get home from work. I don't even notice I'm high anymore unless I'm not high, then it sucks. I'd say your doing it right buddy. You will find your tolerance will slowly build over time so there's no sense in diving in head first. Your just going to end up costing yourself more money on herb in the long run.

I smoke a little shy of half a zip a week by myself. My brother on the other hand will be hanging on the same 8th for like 3-4 of my reup's.


Active Member
weed takes 5 minutes to kick in so if u have 1 hit u pretty much have to wait a few minutes to feel hi, most people smoke that whole time and end up super high and go though more bud than they need to


Well-Known Member
I have a bong, i usually fill it up about 1/3 full and then milk it. I only take 1 full hit and I am high as fuk. I use about half a gram a day. I take 1/3 full bowl every 3 hours. Is this a good amount to start with?
lol is this a serious question? i don't mean to sound like an ass. have fun and smoke it like you want. i smoke all day every day. i have a tolerance yes but it's maintenance for me. i don't smoke just to get high, although that is a plus. do what makes you feel good, make that your mantra :eyesmoke:


Ursus marijanus
The owl knows. cn
