How many of you are ex-diehard Obama lovers


Undercover Mod
Anyone who thinks the govt. is going to reduce the cost of health care needs to have their head examined....
Yeah because you know 20 percent of all the money spent in the U.S. is spent on health care. Oh wait, countries like Canada and Great Britian who have government healthcare shell out less than 10 percent of their total spending on healthcare. So yeah your comment really does make sense, even though you're talking out of your ass.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I don't think you can find anyone on this forum that thinks health care is perfect - we all know we're getting fucked & change is needed. That said I again assume most all on here would also agree as written the current health care proposal is both too vague and much too expensive.
So why don't we contact our representatives and tell them to take as much time as necessary to get it right the first time so the majority of Americans approve of it!
This Bullshit of pushing bills into policy before it can be fully read or analysed cannot be conducive to the "good of the people".
Perhaps we should form the Pothead Party.


New Member
Yeah because you know 20 percent of all the money spent in the U.S. is spent on health care. Oh wait, countries like Canada and Great Britian who have government healthcare shell out less than 10 percent of their total spending on healthcare. So yeah your comment really does make sense, even though you're talking out of your ass.
First of all, it isn't 10 percent real cost.

Second....neither one of those countries have a health care system that can hold a candle to the USA's. Not where it COUNTS. Europe is great at socializing health care, they just can't deliver QUALITY health care.

The answer is in the private sector, not the govt. There are painless ways to drop cost, but Obama and ilk aren't interested or listening.


Undercover Mod
First of all, it isn't 10 percent real cost.

Second....neither one of those countries have a health care system that can hold a candle to the USA's. Not where it COUNTS. Europe is great at socializing health care, they just can't deliver QUALITY health care.

The answer is in the private sector, not the govt. There are painless ways to drop cost, but Obama and ilk aren't interested or listening.
As soon as you know the real facts report back to me. Canada has a longer life expectancy and lower birth mortality rate. Guess what? They have free healthcare. They pay for it in taxes and can go to the hospital for anything at any time and will get no bill. Hold a candle to that system you twat.


Undercover Mod
One more thing stop listening to what you told and find the answers for yourself, but only if you really care and your not a sheep. Boom.


Well-Known Member
Amazing that a year ago when this health care bull started 85% of americans had health insurance.
And out of that 85% about 80% Said that they liked their coverage.
So leave well alone,and do not force any one to pay for a insurance that they neither want or can afford.

I'm one of those 80% who is happy with their health insurance. I am also very much in favor of healthcare reform. It's because I have seen first hand the living hell insurance companies can put people through. I have seen first hand people with "pre existing conditions" be priced out of health insurance. So just because I am happy does not mean I can't look around and see the system is fucked up.


Well-Known Member
the question i always ask progressives is this..NAME ME ONE THING THE GOVERNMENT GETS INVOLVED IN IT DOES NOT FUCK UP?
if you cant answer it then how are you going to convince the majority of people to be for it?


Undercover Mod
the question i always ask progressives is this..NAME ME ONE THING THE GOVERNMENT GETS INVOLVED IN IT DOES NOT FUCK UP?
if you cant answer it then how are you going to convince the majority of people to be for it?
Thats your excuse for not changing anything? You're to afraid it won't work even though the system we have sucks for everyone but the rich. Piss off. You realize anyone who lives on their own and makes minimum wage cannot afford to even buy health insurance becuase then he couldn't pay his rent or car insurance if he did.


Undercover Mod
Too bad nobody asked conservatives that before we sent our military to invade Iraq.
It's funny how conservatives lined up to support the war and sending our troops out there, but when they start dying you want them back nowwwww!!!!!!!! And your not an American if you don't support them.


Undercover Mod
I'm one of those 80% who is happy with their health insurance. I am also very much in favor of healthcare reform. It's because I have seen first hand the living hell insurance companies can put people through. I have seen first hand people with "pre existing conditions" be priced out of health insurance. So just because I am happy does not mean I can't look around and see the system is fucked up.

Thats almost 70 million people without any coverage. Great Britian and Canada have 100 percent coverage and pay 50 percent less than we do. Not the mention the fact that they have had it almost 100 years.


New Member
As soon as you know the real facts report back to me. Canada has a longer life expectancy and lower birth mortality rate. Guess what? They have free healthcare. They pay for it in taxes and can go to the hospital for anything at any time and will get no bill. Hold a candle to that system you twat.
And you don't seem to realize that the Europe doesn't use the same parameters as the USA with mortality rates.

You either don't know (uninformed)

Or you do know (dishonest)

Which is it?

The uninsured are pegged at 31 million....not 70.

You can add ppl to the welfare state, but you can't bring down costs at the same time. End of story....anyone who tells you different (like Obama) is LYING to you.


Well-Known Member
And you don't seem to realize that the Europe doesn't use the same parameters as the USA with mortality rates.

You either don't know (uninformed)

Or you do know (dishonest)

Which is it?
Oh really? In Europe a babys death is different than here?


New Member
Yes it is..... look it up....after adjustment we are right up ther with everyone else. Lib's don't talk about it because it destroys their flailing about.


New Member
Europe uses a higher weight to determine what "life" is. Loads of infants die in Europe and are NOT counted because the body weight didn't meet their "standard". The USA uses a much lower figure..... almost all infants are included. this skews the life expectancy numbers.

There are other factors besides infant mortality. The USA has many more auto deaths per capita than Europe. They drive alot less. they have far less spendable cash at the end of the week than you do. Gas is also double the price.
Throw in a higher homicide rate and the numbers drift farther apart still.

Now, none of these things has anything to do with your health care insurance does it. :wink:

Lib's have to twist the data.... since their argument cannot stand on its own.