How many plants in my Scrog ?


Active Member
Well here they are . I tried the FIM technique hopefully i did it right. They are really bushing out not getting much taller though. As you can see there isn't alot of room to get around the reservoir and do the SCROG i was wondering is there any way i could take and do the ebb n flow with reservoir on the side and the tray closer to the ground by using another pump to remove the water and put back into the reservoir .I still plan on scroggin the grow if i lower the whole set up and can use a longer screen and productively get all 6 plantss in room and under screen . At picture 10 would you say that is nute burn (ph5.9-6.3 /ppm850/ ro water/reservoir temp 72 degrees/ room temp with lights on 76- 82 degrees, lights off temp 70-73 degrees) A little bit of rep would be cool to along with some advice, Thanks



Active Member
Forgot one more thing im currently using Monkey juice A/B, MagiCal,Flora Nectar,Nirvana 0-0-1. Anybody familiar with these products(especially the monkey juice, never used it before but its suppose to be for coco grows in particular) and what kind of experiences you have had with them good or bad, or is there something im missing . I plan on setting up screen this weekend and after i do that ther won't be any changes goin down in the room besides the lights getting switched to 12/12


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys, sorry i have been away for a lil while. I have been on some forums, but that was on my fone, so i couldnt do much.
Lights used were 1000W MH for Veg and 1000W HPS for bloom. One over each plant. 600's proli wouldv done the job, but there is something about 1000's that i just like.
Roots were ok, never really got mould as not much light penetrated the canopy.


Well-Known Member
Here is the pic 4u - but i warn u that my talents lie in growing, not drawing.
Hopefully it does the job for u tho.
The idea with it is that when u FIM the plants (which u have) that your main branches (green) will grow off into different parts of the screen, n the off-shoots from them will fill that area.
I see that u have 6 plants, just adjust the screen to use the 6.
What u want to do is turn the pots so that you can alternate the branches like the picture shows.

One question is were these clones or grown from seeds?



Clap, clap, clap!!!!!!
Them 2 plants wher amazinig!!!!! Scrog!!! Am speachless!!!!
Plezz!! Help me!!
I'm on my first grow an thinking of usein a scrog!! But I don't no when 2?
How high shud I let thm grow B4???
How big shud da spaces b B4 ther 2small or 2 large??
Any help wood B helpfull coz I hav'nt got a clue!!!???!!???