how many plants?


Active Member
how many plants can you fit under a 600watt hps, and what size pot would you use? Im planing on flowering the plants at 3 weeks old from seed,
(sea of green) bubblelicous strain from nirvana seeds

(how many plants and what size pot?)


New Member
SOG, from seed? Not a good idea. When you bring through a new strain it's best to give them at least a 6 week veg'. Then you take the best female and keep her in veg' for use as a mother plant. You clone her, and then you grow SOG.


New Member
You'll want pots of around 2 gallons. Under a 600w HID, with a good light hood you could be fine for up to 10 plants. Without the hood I'd go for 6-8.

It's not about how many plants you have but about how much light each plant receives.


Well-Known Member
The biggest factor is, how big is your grow room? The two most important things to consider here are lumens per sq. foot, and light penetration beyond just the canopy of your plants, both of which are directly related to the size of your grow area. Also, going SOG from seed is risky. If you end up with males in your batch, it's gonna be a bitch to move all that shit around just to get to one or two plants. Just my $.02 though.


Active Member
im going with two 400watt hps, im going to cut clones but i have to wait till the mother is big enough. the room is 8 ft tall ten feet long and 6ft wide. i know its risky to growing from seed. thats why i desided to cut clones insted.