How many times can you flower the same plant?


Active Member
First grow from seed.

Close to starting the flowering cycle.

Was wondering if I should take a clone now or if possible, flower, re-veg and clone, then flower again.

Any ideas would be appreciated..


Active Member
It's actually called reverting, not reveging..plant does not grow while its being screwed over. Time is pretty much all you lose but much better way is to root a few clones , then grow mothers. six should give you lots in eight weeks. So you got something on the go, maybe lose a little time waiting for roots, minor. Reversion is only necessary if you have no other choice.

soak them rooting chips ya get from your the local home and hardware store.
For faster rooting, make sure its woods rooting compound, in low dome rooting tents, and ya get a water bed heater under the bases to keep humidity up. Spray only the lids and never the clones. Do it several times a day, lights on 24hr.
And I flower every mother after I am done cloning

I personally havent seen a dcrease in potency from cloning a plant as many as ten times.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
It is kind of like the owl and the lollie-pop, how many licks does it take to get to the center. I know people that have revegged, or reverted.... Tomatoe, tomahtoe.. we all know what each other means. I side with BigJay here though.. WHY do it, you get less yeild each time you do it, so clone and grow...

But then again, I can see one reason why to do it... someone who has grown one plant to maturity, and does not want to grow anymore, but would like a little more bud. Still confuses me, but I could see it.