how many times have you quit

loaded dervish

Active Member
I love smokinng weed but it just comes with to mutch drama. It seems the goverment just rewins everything i love. Everyone looks at weed as money i just hate that it turns me crazy. I got mad at a freind yesterday becuse i fronted him 100 bucks like a month ago. i needed that 100bucks to get a ounce so i fliped on him. i am not likeing were this is going so i will quit smoking weed i will hope to come back and grow over summer and smoke my own home grown. i am just sick of all these people trying to make a quick buck off weed it makes me sick.


Well-Known Member
As long as you have to purchase your smoke, it will always be a drama in one way or another. Remember "rehab is for quitters!".

Good luck!

loaded dervish

Active Member
Rofl i will never go to rehab i just will grow my own weed and smoke with my freinds. i just hate all the drama weed is all about money to people arowned here and not chillin and smoking for fun. I just got to quit tell this time next year rofl a year will not kill me my new years resulution quit smoking weed for a year. i will prob still toke with freinds at partys or if people offerr to smoke me out. i just will no longer smoke 3-10 times a day and sell drugs i quit!!


Everyone looks at weed as money i just hate that it turns me crazy. I got mad at a freind yesterday becuse i fronted him 100 bucks like a month ago. i needed that 100bucks to get a ounce so i fliped on him.... i am just sick of all these people trying to make a quick buck off weed it makes me sick.
So... how exactly is your perspective any different than theirs?

Never front more than you can afford to loose, or don't do it at all.


Well-Known Member
Rofl i will never go to rehab i just will grow my own weed and smoke with my freinds. i just hate all the drama weed is all about money to people arowned here and not chillin and smoking for fun. I just got to quit tell this time next year rofl a year will not kill me my new years resulution quit smoking weed for a year. i will prob still toke with freinds at partys or if people offerr to smoke me out. i just will no longer smoke 3-10 times a day and sell drugs i quit!!
I totally respect your position. Good luck my friend.

loaded dervish

Active Member
I have seen how this whole entire drug dealing has effected my life i only fronted the money becuse i had a thousand at the time and he is a close freind. Looking back on it when you front people money you are the one who looks like a dush trying to get your money back i will never front people money or weed again. i just want to make it threw college without geting busted so i can become a game warden. I have been rolled up on one time from the cops. lucky me they were looking for someone in a resont drug rip that ended in the death of 5 people. If the cop had searched my car i had a qp and 2 scales one was broken but still had cristals all over it. god was looking over me that day it was a good thing he didint search my car. O ya when the cope rolled up we were in a hot box so he new there was weed. o ya the drug rip was not over weed it was oxys they sold the people the unsmokable kind they came back with guns and starrted shooting outside the house the guy inside had a mac10 and mowed down the twikers. i had a couple of freinds in the house at the time and they have never acted the same sents it happend.


Well-Known Member
Go with you instincts. Get out of the business and get a legit job, and party on the side.

loaded dervish

Active Member
ya there is no rich drug dealers they eather end up dead or in jail. i just want to get my green card and grow my own personal. There is no reson to put my life in danger for no money i would rather get a reg job and grow old smokin my bud!! I will get realy good at growing over the years going to start with outdoors going to plant 10 plants and see how it gose should be a nice learning exsperiacne. I will post my first grow i will start in may if i get a camera. should be interesting to see how my first batch turns out. Atleast it is only for me so idk if it is swag.


Active Member
I always tell people to never say they are quitting becuase they never do, I tell them they are just 'taking a break' lol.

Never lend people cash, it never works out. It's like when people go rack up credit card bills, if they could pay the bill when it comes they wouldn't have needed to use credit to begin with ya know? People just need to learn to work with the resources they have. =)