How many weeks into flower should i start seeing buds?



I have been growing for awhile now and this last batch that im currently growing seems to be different, clones off of the same mother plants as before but I induced flowering (12/12) around 2 1/2 weeks ago and I am not seeing any flowers. The timer is set perfect for sure and there is no light ever going in there during the dark period. The temp is plenty low at 69 degrees and humidity is 50%. the strains are white widow and blue dream, I am just stumped on the one.

How long does it take your guys plants to start flowering?



Well-Known Member
You should see pistils anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the age of the plant. My last plant as 5.5 weeks old from seed and I saw pistils after seven days, and my other plant (just 4.5 weeks on the same flip) took 10 days to show female.

What was your light schedule before flowering?

Your low temp may have something to do with it, but so could an odd light schedule beforehand.


athanks guys, that all helps alot. im not sure why I thought it went much faster in the past. i just thought it did