how much danger are my plants in?


Active Member
basically im 2 and abit weeks into flower with five plants
throughout vegging i maintained temperatures averaging 28 degrees C with upto 85% humidity.
I also have a circulating fan on during the hours of light.
now im fully aware that this level of humidity is unsuitable for flowering and iv managed to get it down to around 60ish% with temps or 25 degrees.

my question is how dangerous are these levels?

do they need to go lower or can i get away with them?

thanks in advance for any help, any details i missed can be found in my journal or just ask and il do my best to answer :)

and just cus i love looking at them, here are my girls :D

Sweet deep grapefruit
moby dick
industrial plant
original amnesia
#10 SDG 15-6 2F.jpg#10 MD 15-6 2F.jpg#10 IP 15-6 2F.jpg#10 CHEESE 15-6 2F.jpg#10 OA 15-6 2F.jpg


Active Member
If you can keep the temp at around there, that will be ok. The humidity is still high for flower (IMHO). It's not an end all, but if you can't get it down to 40-50% (max) then great air circulation will be needed to prevent mold. Getting the humidity down will also help with the temps.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i can only run a dehumidifier when lights are out. when lights are on i am at the mercy of the outside air temp and humidity due to my intake.

at 60% or higher for 12 hours a day at around week 7, i would be flirting with disaster with possible budrot on the biggest tightest stickiest tops especially if they have a big stem in the middle.

this is just my situation, but around half way thru flowering your going to want to get the humidity lower for the rest of the grow. plenty of ventilation and a circ fan will help.


Active Member
the trouble is that i expected a slight humidity problem but thought i could handle it.

then the bloody weather turned.
its been alot wetter then i had hoped it would be so the humidity is spiking during the lights off period. (at night when it rains)
but at least i know it not a Complete disaster and i can work on it. thanks for the help guys :)