How much $$$ did you have when you moved out?


Well-Known Member
Saving up money now to move out. My goal is at least $1200, but I'm also (most likley) moving in with a buddy who owns a house already so rent wont be too bad.

meechz 024

Active Member
I'm actually planning on moving myself and have around $1000 - $2000 in the bank right now, but I think it would be just foolish to move with only that much..
but then I read the one post here someone is waiting until they have at least $1200 to move out? .........whaaaaaat?
I guess it's not too bad. You'll have 2 months rent (if lucky) so 2 months to look for a job....thats walking distance.
Tough shit.

I'm waiting until I have enough to pay at least 5 months rent and be able to throw down some payments for a cheap car and insurance. You know that shitbox car that every stoner has at one point, it reeks of ass sweat and weed smell with busted ass dented doors and cigarette burns on the dash, takes about 10 ignition sparks to get going... ye that.


Active Member
23.60 and a full tank of gas in my truck...

I also moved like 2 blocks away from my old man and rent comes right off my check lol


Well-Known Member
Back then I had $3,000 or so from working in a factory and painting. I kept it rolling by using this "emergency" money that a college I started at would lend, had to pay it back in a week. We'd buy a keg, throw a party, and make some cash as the kegs kept coming. It was nice.....sold a lb of brick weed a week in small bags too. I felt like a pimp LOL! I never sold my grown stuff in that town, drove it a long way for security.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually planning on moving myself and have around $1000 - $2000 in the bank right now, but I think it would be just foolish to move with only that much..
but then I read the one post here someone is waiting until they have at least $1200 to move out? .........whaaaaaat?
I guess it's not too bad. You'll have 2 months rent (if lucky) so 2 months to look for a job....thats walking distance.
Tough shit.

I'm waiting until I have enough to pay at least 5 months rent and be able to throw down some payments for a cheap car and insurance. You know that shitbox car that every stoner has at one point, it reeks of ass sweat and weed smell with busted ass dented doors and cigarette burns on the dash, takes about 10 ignition sparks to get going... ye that.
lmao. when i was 20 i tripped out and purchased a dented camper van, it exploded, seriously, i failed to put the oil cap back on and it caught fire. thanks


Well-Known Member
I've left with a little under ten grand before and i've left with a backpack of clothes and less than $20 before. Depends on what your plans are I guess.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Enough to cover first and last month of rent plus deposit and enough to cover the first couple of months of rent. I had a bunch of canned and packaged food to last for several months as well. Plus I had enough gas money to last until my first couple of pay checks. Then I played a trick with my bank account. I would always round up when writing a check or using my debit and record the rounded amount in my checkbook. That way I had extra money in my account that I pretended wasn't there. By the time I moved back down to New Mexico, I had over 2,000 dollars extra in my account. Came in real handy. ;)