How much do you consume?

fedora bora

Active Member
Well, I was just curious to see how much people smoke on a weekly basis. Like, I smoke a hair more than QO a week, which I thought was an average amount, but I was talking to some friends about this and they said that was ridiculous :-? Anyways... how much do you go through?


Active Member
At my worst I was at an ounce every 2 days last year, up until that point in my life and from that point on I smoke about a half a week, the bud I grow I can get by smoking less than a gram a day.


Active Member
lol, it depends on the paycheque. But if the cost of it didn't matter then I'd easily go through a half zip a week. Right now it's more like an 1/8th a week, but that'll change once I become self-sufficient.