How Much do you Spend on Soil


Well-Known Member
I have a very small indoor garden so the cost of soil is relative and hard to calculate...I also use the same soil in my actual legal garden, so again....when I run out I jus go grab another bag of FFOF...which I re-amend and Re-use not just for the if I run out of soil totally then I buy more, but I really just keep mixing old and new and old and I have no idea how long one bag lasts, as I am technically still using my original bag...or rather something(s) in my house right now is still growing in my very first bag of That is funny...I have had no issues, but again I use a mix of old and new....with added amendments...and I also compost some and add some compost...but even with entire old rootballs still in the pot I have just added new plants, and really the new roots seem to just like take over the old the old roots will sometimes perk back up and appear to have just become a part of the new roots...but when I mix up some old soil and new soil I also throw in some guano and work castings...little bit of compost, and perlite, some ancient forest humus soil and then bam back in a few pots...ready to go peppers, or Mj or effing brussels sprouts...just like the FFOF everything seems to like it...Hell I think I even have mixed in bags of coco at there is god only knows what in my soil at this point...but it's working, although I do need to get some more soil soon...planted a boat load of strawberries last night, and I probably have a 100 more to plant...outside though...not in pots.... well I am ranting on and on and I don't think I even have a whole lot to add to this post because container growing and growing in the ground are mighty different...


Well-Known Member
jesus i never thought about the price of my dirt.... i dont know how much it all costs me but i think to get all the products i buy to fill 2 big tubs (i think they are bigger than 50 gal) it costs around 130$ i can reuse for a long time tho i usually just mix with fresh products to revitalize it. probably cost me 6-7$ for each 10 gal pot
i have planted in clay before with no problems of growth but im sure if i would have amended some nutes or compost or something then yeah it would have probably been a bigger plant,it did get over 5ft tall though when planted outside in early june!


Well-Known Member
This ended up being a $5 1.5+ lb plant, planted very late in the year. Bat guano, bone meal, fish meal, kelp meal, and some straw amended into the native soil. We have pretty good native soil though.



Well-Known Member
Four 1.5 cubic ft bags of soil for a grand total of $4.17 ....... Home Depot pissed me off so they gave me a major discount on soil haha