How Much Does Co2 Speed Up Flowering Time?

Jorge is always wrong.So all the local RIU experts say..hes clueless.
You tried putting a carbon scrubber vented into the attic ?vented to a crawl space? how about a garage?How about just opening up the door and letting fresh air in through the rest of your home or whatever..and drawing it in with a negative pressure?Allot of growers do this.Some of them dont even know it when they are doing it.Im not talking about brief opening of a talking a room air change over.Oh doesnt normally take more than a few min to do it..especially in a small grow room like yours.
Whats it going to cost you or hurt you to flush your plants the last week?
Just a example..and you accuse me of not listening and being a hard wont even try something if its free..Thats what i call
Seriously?? I have a SEALED room for a reason, I don't Flush because it's stupid and causes stress. Trust me, None of what your recommending is needed. I have people that have 6 jars of weed to choose from, they ALWAYS choose mine. We don't tell them which grower grew what. I get huge yields of dank, WHY would I change anything?? are you crazy?
I learned my ways from someone that has done it for 15 years before me, I went to him because he grew the best weed in so cal. that's 20 years of growing experience.

this is what your saying to me.

Hey, your Harley is running perfect, why not put cheaper gas in it??
(With these three items replacing your fans, you can have a perfect room, plain and simple.)
replace your fans? really?What are you thinking?who told you that?You do know how fast a plant uses co2 around it dont you?Development will shut down quik as fook if you do not have CONSTANT co2/air movement around the a constant steady flow.They use up the co2 around the bud almost instantly and need more moving back over them..instantly.Im not a proponent of beat the fook out of your plants with a high speed oscillating fan.But i am a huge one of constant air turn over in a room.In a small room i suppose a a/c might turn it over fast enough.
I sure would not tell anyone you need to fans if you are injecting co2.
(With these three items replacing your fans, you can have a perfect room, plain and simple.)
replace your fans? really?What are you thinking?who told you that?You do know how fast a plant uses co2 around it dont you?Development will shut down quik as fook if you do not have CONSTANT co2/air movement around the a constant steady flow.They use up the co2 around the bud almost instantly and need more moving back over them..instantly.Im not a proponent of beat the fook out of your plants with a high speed oscillating fan.But i am a huge one of constant air turn over in a room.In a small room i suppose a a/c might turn it over fast enough.
I sure would not tell anyone you need to fans if you are injecting co2.
reading comprehension, He is talking about your intake and exhaust fans, not your oscillators
Seriously?? I have a SEALED room for a reason, I don't Flush because it's stupid and causes stress. Trust me, None of what your recommending is needed. I have people that have 6 jars of weed to choose from, they ALWAYS choose mine. We don't tell them which grower grew what. I get huge yields of dank, WHY would I change anything?? are you crazy?
No one gets huge yields of dank in a 5000 grow room first of all.Second of all almost every grower i know thinks they have the best or are the best.
The best ones seem to the most humble as they are never to smart to learn something new.
A young bull and a old bull were standing on a hill..the young bull says to the old bull lets run down the hill and fook us one of the cows..the old bull replies to him..naw..lets walk down the hill and fook em all
No one gets huge yields of dank in a 5000 grow room first of all.Second of all almost every grower i know thinks they have the best or are the best.
The best ones seem to the most humble as they are never to smart to learn something new.
A young bull and a old bull were standing on a hill..the young bull says to the old bull lets run down the hill and fook us one of the cows..the old bull replies to him..naw..lets walk down the hill and fook em all
Been here EVERYDAY for 4 years learning, I have learned WAY more than you and I'm trying to teach you, But you're the cow who just got fucked by 2 bulls and STILL won't listen.
I know a guy who claims to be getting 60 ounces out of a 1000 watt 2 plants.Weight is strain specific and of course size determines the production of a individual plant.Some of the most productive grows ive seen around are done in tents with a high volume of small plants.(see AL B FUCT)Its not the individual weight they get from a plant its the amount of plants they grow and what kind of plant they grow.some of these flood and drain guys are pulling great weight out of a small area.There are limitations and gives and takes like anything else in growing.With flood and drain tables it limits you to the types of plants you can grow normally due to height restrictions.
guys that grow aero get great weight too out of a small area.allot of them dont use co2 and get good weight.
I know a guy with the right strain will put 16 plants in a 6x6 tent and pull 2 lbs off of a 600 watt., aero. easy, he even pulls some really good results off of some sativas.
Theres another guy i know of that put like ten grand into a closet,AND he still cant grow for fook.Can operate the whole thing off of his phone or some shit.completely automated.
I can sit here and say i have pulled more weight off of a plant than you have..what does it mean though?
I know a guy who claims to be getting 60 ounces out of a 1000 watt 2 plants.Weight is strain specific and of course size determines the production of a individual plant.Some of the most productive grows ive seen around are done in tents with a high volume of small plants.(see AL B FUCT)Its not the individual weight they get from a plant its the amount of plants they grow and what kind of plant they grow.some of these flood and drain guys are pulling great weight out of a small area.There are limitations and gives and takes like anything else in growing.With flood and drain tables it limits you to the types of plants you can grow normally due to height restrictions.
guys that grow aero get great weight too out of a small area.allot of them dont use co2 and get good weight.
I know a guy with the right strain will put 16 plants in a 6x6 tent and pull 2 lbs off of a 600 watt., aero. easy, he even pulls some really good results off of some sativas.
Theres another guy i know of that put like ten grand into a closet,AND he still cant grow for fook.Can operate the whole thing off of his phone or some shit.completely automated.
I can sit here and say i have pulled more weight off of a plant than you have..what does it mean though?
What it means is that I have my room 'DIALED IN' it is producing at it's best right now. WHY would I change a damn thing? I also proved to you that a SEALED room is not something I made up, Unlike the claims in your original rant. So a simple, thanks for showing me something I didn't know chuck, sorry i doubted you. Got any thing else you could teach me? You just want to keep going on about some other guy. Some people have a green thumb and some don't. I have 15 years a/c experience, i can try and teach someone who isn't mechanically inclined. but,They just will never get it, but they might be good at making websites.
I'm seriously tired of people like you two arguing for no apparent reason. You were both right and wrong in a lot of aspects. First of the medical grower's Bible is not the end all be all for cannabis, in fact Jorge Cervantes DOES NOTE GROW AT ALL. he researches other growers. He has even stated this and High Times Magazine. In a closed, sealed, recirculating environment plants consume co2 and produce oxygen which is recirculated into the same environment that came from. When using regulators and pumps with co2 tanks, you Dial in the proper Ppm of co2 for the colime of plant foliage your room contains. The plants will then "breathe" this co2 and "exhale" FRESH oxygen. (speaking of which if you were to ceiling human into a closed environment with ENOUGH plants to compensate the human's oxygen consumption rate the gasses would exhange amd NEVER stagnate...theoretically speaking this sealed environment would be known as a manmade biome). As for flushing, generally speaking one should always flush. Regardless of whether using chemical nutrients or organic nutrients. Even if your smoke is not harsh, flushing will still bring out the dominant cannabis flavors, where is not flushing will bring out the flavors of either the organic or chemical nutrients used to grow this plant. I'm so sick of people like you two wasting bandwidth and time arguing with no resolution. there is no point in the two of you arguing when neither of you will change your minds. You want to believe what you want to believe regarding your own opinions, whether you are right or wrong. However, I digress. I apologize for my rant, I only meant to point out that you were both wrong and right in some aspect. Sealed environment's do not require venting whem regulated properly, and flushing although not NECESSARY is an excellent practice, which, when used properly brings out the full flavor and effect of the turpines in the cannabis plant. Please do some research before you waste people's time arguing for multiple pages on a thread thst doesn't belong to you.
I'm seriously tired of people like you two arguing for no apparent reason. You were both right and wrong in a lot of aspects. First of the medical grower's Bible is not the end all be all for cannabis, in fact Jorge Cervantes DOES NOTE GROW AT ALL. he researches other growers. He has even stated this and High Times Magazine. In a closed, sealed, recirculating environment plants consume co2 and produce oxygen which is recirculated into the same environment that came from. When using regulators and pumps with co2 tanks, you Dial in the proper Ppm of co2 for the colime of plant foliage your room contains. The plants will then "breathe" this co2 and "exhale" FRESH oxygen. (speaking of which if you were to ceiling human into a closed environment with ENOUGH plants to compensate the human's oxygen consumption rate the gasses would exhange amd NEVER stagnate...theoretically speaking this sealed environment would be known as a manmade biome). As for flushing, generally speaking one should always flush. Regardless of whether using chemical nutrients or organic nutrients. Even if your smoke is not harsh, flushing will still bring out the dominant cannabis flavors, where is not flushing will bring out the flavors of either the organic or chemical nutrients used to grow this plant. I'm so sick of people like you two wasting bandwidth and time arguing with no resolution. there is no point in the two of you arguing when neither of you will change your minds. You want to believe what you want to believe regarding your own opinions, whether you are right or wrong. However, I digress. I apologize for my rant, I only meant to point out that you were both wrong and right in some aspect. Sealed environment's do not require venting whem regulated properly, and flushing although not NECESSARY is an excellent practice, which, when used properly brings out the full flavor and effect of the turpines in the cannabis plant. Please do some research before you waste people's time arguing for multiple pages on a thread thst doesn't belong to you.

Dude, their posts are two months old, and this thread was started over a year ago. You're a little late to the party.
I'm seriously tired of people like you two arguing for no apparent reason. You were both right and wrong in a lot of aspects. First of the medical grower's Bible is not the end all be all for cannabis, in fact Jorge Cervantes DOES NOTE GROW AT ALL. he researches other growers. He has even stated this and High Times Magazine. In a closed, sealed, recirculating environment plants consume co2 and produce oxygen which is recirculated into the same environment that came from. When using regulators and pumps with co2 tanks, you Dial in the proper Ppm of co2 for the colime of plant foliage your room contains. The plants will then "breathe" this co2 and "exhale" FRESH oxygen. (speaking of which if you were to ceiling human into a closed environment with ENOUGH plants to compensate the human's oxygen consumption rate the gasses would exhange amd NEVER stagnate...theoretically speaking this sealed environment would be known as a manmade biome). As for flushing, generally speaking one should always flush. Regardless of whether using chemical nutrients or organic nutrients. Even if your smoke is not harsh, flushing will still bring out the dominant cannabis flavors, where is not flushing will bring out the flavors of either the organic or chemical nutrients used to grow this plant. I'm so sick of people like you two wasting bandwidth and time arguing with no resolution. there is no point in the two of you arguing when neither of you will change your minds. You want to believe what you want to believe regarding your own opinions, whether you are right or wrong. However, I digress. I apologize for my rant, I only meant to point out that you were both wrong and right in some aspect. Sealed environment's do not require venting whem regulated properly, and flushing although not NECESSARY is an excellent practice, which, when used properly brings out the full flavor and effect of the turpines in the cannabis plant. Please do some research before you waste people's time arguing for multiple pages on a thread thst doesn't belong to you.
in fact Jorge Cervantes DOES NOTE GROW AT ALL. he researches other growers. He has even stated this and High Times Magazine.

I swear to god this forum is full of the dumbest people on the planet. Every time I read a post here, it's dumber than the last.

Plenty of video of Cervantes growing weed. He said he didn't because growing weed was a felony at one time, you idiot.
. I remember reading that co2 speeds flower time in one of my books. I trust that it won't,

It will. The whole point of co2 is to speed up growth. If it didn't speed up growth, no one would ever use it. You have to remember, when you ask a question here, you are asking the dumbest audience in the world. Your question will be answered by 13 year old stoners that don't know anything