how much heat out of these?


Active Member
just curious how much heat 2 of these 150w hps' will generate in a 2x3 cabinet. was going to go with air cooled 400w , but feel its a bit overkill for my space, also be using more energy running a second duct fan to cool it. or should i go with one 250w hps? will that be to much heat in an enclosed area? of course i have intake and exhaust fans but would prefer to run a light that i dont have to hook up to a fan. any thoughts guys? thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
If I had the choice I would make a bigger box and go with the 400w.
I would also apt for intake and exhaust air circulation no matter what size lamp you use.

Ideally you want to replace the cubic volume of air in the "box" every 5 minutes.


Active Member
wont go with a bigger box. i will have exhaust and intake no matter the light. i just didnt want to have to run another fan if i was to get a cool tube. just curious on how much heat these lights would produce without a cool tube.


New Member
the heat is 1000 is ridicules an i grow in a 5x4 an 7 feet tall.the heat is still immense if i didn't have fans..what i would do is get an air cooled reflector light an hook the excaust pump in the middle of the you still get rid of old air in box you also keep light heat down...with 1 fan..


Mr I Can Do That For Half
2 foot by 3 foot thats for waht 1 maybe 2 plants right? How high as in that close and area heat will be a big issue you will need a high discharge exhaust fan and some good circulating fans to keep air moving. With the lights I assume a glass heat shield will be in place to block heat from plant top.


Active Member
actually 3 or so plants sog style. have two shelves, 3x2x3.5. one shelf veg, other flower.


Active Member
actually ive seen plants grown sog style in one square foot. im not some big time grower. looking too hook my self and a couple friends up with fresh buds every couple months.