How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Well-Known Member
I had some old hillbilly in central ny try to sell me an ounce of brown ass cat piss smelling BRICKWEED for $175 an O considering i can get the sickest shit i ever smoked for $250 an O i told him to go shit in his hat (and i think he did)


Active Member
glasgow £140 for oz of green £50 oz of solid shite 9 bar bout 275-350 depends on whos got what as they say ppl prices are a fukn rip off !:evil:

:peace: :joint::mrgreen:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I had some old hillbilly in central ny try to sell me an ounce of brown ass cat piss smelling BRICKWEED for $175 an O considering i can get the sickest shit i ever smoked for $250 an O i told him to go shit in his hat (and i think he did)

Oh well.... my monitor and keyboard needed a good rinse anyway.......


Well-Known Member
idk where you guys are getting these insane prices man, here in el paso, TX i can get an ounce of skunk for 30 bucks, guess its a good connect, and the shit is killer, you guys pay way too much
suspect your not smoking the shit it sounds like comerical to me


Well-Known Member
we pay 200 for outdoor right off the rez from canada

cant believe you stole my avater im gunna kill ya:)

nah not really..

here in good old Ireland an ounce will set you back 350 euros
tis a rip off tis worth it though dont usually get swchag
usually proper bags with all buds


Active Member
Brampton, Ontario here and usually if i grab an ounce alone i get it for $150 some nice asian bud, bc bud is more like $180.. but if you like to grab in quanity Pounds of bc double A bud go for 12 to 14 wholesale though and sold for about 1850 too 2200 in between that.. pretty good actually if you have a really good link..


Active Member
in nb canada $150-$200 a ounce usualy is good bud, but i am gitting board with it.. I want some blueberry or ne of the hazes, i smoked silver haze once and it was good! tasted good too. then if you add some tasty puff (flavor of your choice) it's even better.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you're not smoking good stuff... hahaha

I'm just saying, if you're paying $50 an O of KB then you're probably not getting KB.

If you are getting some nice bud for that much then it's probably because Texas is the state where everything is moved through from Mexico. There's probably so much of it there that it doesn't cost shit.


Well-Known Member
Ive sold ounces on up to $400 for some bomb......Sick people get discount $150 for an ounce..Three people I know get it for free they just gotta ask all of witch are very sick.....If your just some guy trying to get high I prolly wont sell it to you because the last thing I need is 500 stupid highschool kids showing up at my court date saying "He helped me get high".....

People need to get with the cause not agianst.....Selling weed is only cool if your helping people while you take their money...Other wise your just like that ass hole selling liquor to kids.


Well-Known Member
Those prices are real in Tx and Az 4real!!! Gota know someone from the area and willing to transport...the last time I looked, planes and trains are not the safest routes to that mean driving, price of gas, risks, etc...but can be worth the trip for those who take the time and investments. However, I am soooo tired and weary of dealing with connects and whatnot...the way to go now is to grow your own!!! Less travel, risks, no big ass prices, etc.....Here in VA dirt goes for $70 an oz, regs $100-$120 and exotics maybe $150-200 oz easy.....


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm glad I live near Mexico after all.
I could be smoking dirt weed for all I know, I haven't been smoking that long.:mrgreen:
Gets me high just fine either way.