How Much Koolaid Would A Climate Cook Drink?


Illegal Smile

We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended). This whole environmental movement was hijacked long ago by marxists and now the tentacles that go deep into the dem party, the media, science and academia have been exposed. I think this will eventually be seen as the largest fraud in US history - in world history.


Well-Known Member
The thing is... for every scientist that goes against climate change, there seem to be fifty who support it. I don't claim to have a definitive answer, but what's wrong with wanting to clean up our planet and pollute less?

And, to say it's just a HOAX... to me that implies more than just disagreement. Do you really think that all of the scientists in support of climate change theories don't really believe what they are saying, but instead are part of some big conspiracy? If so, whats the point of the conspiracy? (Less pollution?)

Also, 'koolaid'?!? Come on. That has become such a tired, old cliche around here. When I see someone use that one (left or right), I can't help getting the impression that I'm hearing from someone who has a bit of trouble with independent thoughts.
I'm not saying anyone who uses that cliche can NEVER have valid, independent thoughts... just that it gives me a bad initial impression of them, and their ability to think. Try a new cliche for a while please.
Are the climate change supportersd unaware of what happend today?? The whole global waring lie has just been exposed. It is being rightly called the bigget fraud ever commited on the people of the world. And the Main Stream Media (MSM) is remaining silent regarding the subject.

Read the former post from Illegal smile and wavels before you continue to support what has just been shown to be the biggest scam (besides the Federal Reserve Act) in modern history!

Ans still they will not believe they have been lied to by their own lies!!! What kind of fool does that make the 'climate changers'??


The thing is... for every scientist that goes against climate change, there seem to be fifty who support it. I don't claim to have a definitive answer, but what's wrong with wanting to clean up our planet and pollute less?

And, to say it's just a HOAX... to me that implies more than just disagreement. Do you really think that all of the scientists in support of climate change theories don't really believe what they are saying, but instead are part of some big conspiracy? If so, whats the point of the conspiracy? (Less pollution?)

Also, 'koolaid'?!? Come on. That has become such a tired, old cliche around here. When I see someone use that one (left or right), I can't help getting the impression that I'm hearing from someone who has a bit of trouble with independent thoughts.
the point is to make people believe that less is more

its a way to knock america into third world country status

people pay a carbon tax by the mile, purchase carbon credits.. etc

but this doesnt do shit for anything it just lines the pockets of people like al gore

global warming as the media would explain it is a hoax...

the earths climate follows the sun, ask any of the 31,000 scientists who signed a petition that says that


Well-Known Member
people pay a carbon tax by the mile, purchase carbon credits.. etc

but this doesnt do shit for anything it just lines the pockets of people like al gore
Even if that is true, that proves that there are greedy people in the world, but does not disprove global warming theories.

the earths climate follows the sun, ask any of the 31,000 scientists who signed a petition that says that
How many scientists support the theory?


New Member
Geeze, the ignorance is thick around here, Anyone with two brain cells should be able to see what we are doing to the planet is not good. Come on righties, look around. The polution is all around. There are islands in the pacific that have a trash heap of plastics from tooth brushes to bottles floating around and upon them, a giant swirling trash heap. Also other islands that are slipping under water. Yeah, nothing to worry about if one is a rich dude living up on the hill, well maybe if there is a God, he will rain hail down upon them and strike them with lightning. Keep that head stuffed up your asses and everything will be alright. I hope your kids hold you accountable when the shit hits the fan.


Geeze, the ignorance is thick around here, Anyone with two brain cells should be able to see what we are doing to the planet is not good. Come on righties, look around. The polution is all around. There are islands in the pacific that have a trash heap of plastics from tooth brushes to bottles floating around and upon them, a giant swirling trash heap. Also other islands that are slipping under water. Yeah, nothing to worry about if one is a rich dude living up on the hill, well maybe if there is a God, he will rain hail down upon them and strike them with lightning. Keep that head stuffed up your asses and everything will be alright. I hope your kids hold you accountable when the shit hits the fan.
the evidence speaks for itself med

if you draw a different conclusion from the same evidence then so be it
The entire world plays a part in trash and energy consumption. Did you knmow that 25% of the airborn pollution in the western US oroginates in CHINA!

But to blame Ameica in the manner and fashion in which most do- is amazeing. We have some of the most strengent laws protecting the environment in the world. No nation is perfect but to constntly blame the US and the US alone is really short sighted.

The polotion being dumped in to the rivers and ocean from China alone would really tick people off.

But to require we, the people to pay a tax- To WHO?? And for what??? is just plane stupid.

Why don't we taxes China a trash fee? An impost or duty fee/tax?
Why? Because WTO won't allow it.

We are not half of the problem and if we are- as I'm sure many will scream- then get off the net, move out of your pollution creating/environment destroying house and move into a mud hut. And remember, you now have to walk to work in wooded shoes you carved out of a naturally dead or dieing tree with your teeth.


New Member
the evidence speaks for itself med

if you draw a different conclusion from the same evidence then so be it
I guess de-forestation and polution doesn't mean much to righties, Eh? I can't prove what I believe , but there are thousands of scientists that do believe in global warming:

The truth about global warming
By Sandi Doughton
Seattle Times staff reporter

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The evidence: melting glaciers. Ice falls from the Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia, Argentina, where the melting rate of ice fields has doubled in recent years. Glaciers around the world are retreating, a sign, scientists say, of global warming.

UW atmospheric scientist John M. Wallace was initially skeptical of claims that humans are changing Earth's climate.

UW geochemist Eric Steig helped start a blog,, to change public perception of global warming.

David Battisti, a UW atmospheric scientist, is helping rice farmers in Indonesia and plantations in Mexico prepare for drought. Projected behind him is a chart showing precipitation changes.

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Setting the record straight | "Hockey stick" broken?
Live Q&A: UW climate experts answer your questions on global warming
John M. Wallace tried to steer Al Gore away from global warming.
The year was 1994 and the vice president was convinced rising temperatures were responsible for recent floods in the Mississippi River Valley.
He invited Wallace, a distinguished climate researcher from the University of Washington, to join a small group of scientists for a breakfast discussion in Washington, D.C.
As Gore sipped Diet Coke, Wallace nervously left the eggs on his own plate untouched.
"It was one of the more awkward audiences I've ever had," he recalled with a chuckle. "I was trying, in a polite way, to tell him he was coming on too strong about global warming."
Like many of his peers, Wallace wasn't convinced greenhouse gases were altering the world's climate, and he thought Gore was straining scientific credibility to score political points.
More than a decade later, Wallace still won't blame global warming for any specific heat wave, drought or flood — including the recent devastating hurricanes. But he no longer doubts the problem is real and the risks profound.
"With each passing year the evidence has gotten stronger — and is getting stronger still."
1995 was the hottest year on record until it was eclipsed by 1997 — then 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. Melting ice has driven Alaska Natives from seal-hunting areas used for generations. Glaciers around the globe are shrinking so rapidly many could disappear before the middle of the century.
As one study after another has pointed to carbon dioxide and other man-made emissions as the most plausible explanation, the cautious community of science has embraced an idea initially dismissed as far-fetched. The result is a convergence of opinion rarely seen in a profession where attacking each other's work is part of the process. Every major scientific body to examine the evidence has come to the same conclusion: The planet is getting hotter; man is to blame; and it's going to get worse.
"There's an overwhelming consensus among scientists," said UW climate researcher David Battisti, who also was dubious about early claims of greenhouse warming.
Yet the message doesn't seem to be getting through to the public and policy-makers.
Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe, chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, calls global warming "the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people." Novelist Michael Crichton's "State of Fear" landed on the best-seller list this year by depicting global warming as a scare tactic of diabolical tree-huggers. A Gallup Poll in June found only about half of Americans believe the effects of global warming have already started.
At the G8 summit of world leaders this summer, President Bush acknowledged man is warming the planet. But he stood alone in opposition to mandatory emissions controls, which he called too costly.
"There's a huge disconnect between what professional scientists have studied and learned in the last 30 years, and what is out there in the popular culture," said Naomi Oreskes, a science historian at the University of California, San Diego.
Fuel companies contribute to that gap by supporting a small cadre of global-warming skeptics, whose views are widely disseminated by like-minded think tanks and Web sites.
Most scientists don't know how to communicate their complex results to the public. Others are scared off by the shrill political debate over the issue. So their work goes on largely unseen, and largely pointing toward a warmer future.
The consensus
Researcher finds that 1,000 studies all point to the same conclusion
Oreskes decided to quantify the extent of scientific agreement after a conversation with her hairdresser, who said she doesn't worry about global warming because scientists don't know what's going on.
"That made me wonder why there's this weird public perception of what's been happening in climate science," Oreskes said.
Preparing for climate change

King County plans a one-day conference on climate change on Oct. 27 at the Qwest Field conference center. For information:

She analyzed 1,000 research papers on climate change selected randomly from those published between 1993 and 2003. The results were surprising: Not a single study explicitly rejected the idea that people are warming the planet.
That doesn't mean there aren't any. But it does mean the number must be small, since none showed up in a sample that represents about 10 percent of the body of research, Oreskes said.
The consensus is most clearly embodied in the reports of the 100-nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), established by the United Nations in 1988. Every five to six years, the panel evaluates the science and issues voluminous reports reviewed by more than 2,000 scientists and every member government, including the United States.
The early reports reflected the squishy state of the science, but by 2001, the conclusion was unequivocal: "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities."
This may be dated, but does anyone really think things have gotten better?


New Member
The entire world plays a part in trash and energy consumption. Did you knmow that 25% of the airborn pollution in the western US oroginates in CHINA!

But to blame Ameica in the manner and fashion in which most do- is amazeing. We have some of the most strengent laws protecting the environment in the world. No nation is perfect but to constntly blame the US and the US alone is really short sighted.
The Us is 4.53% of the world population, but uses 25+% of the resources.

The polotion being dumped in to the rivers and ocean from China alone would really tick people off.
China needs to step up also,

But to require we, the people to pay a tax- To WHO?? And for what??? is just plane stupid.

Why don't we taxes China a trash fee? An impost or duty fee/tax?
Why? Because WTO won't allow it.
China needs to step up, that's a no brainer, but we cannot stand back and expect the rest of the world to make progress while we sit and gobble up resourses like a big fat pig.

We are not half of the problem and if we are- as I'm sure many will scream- then get off the net, move out of your pollution creating/environment destroying house and move into a mud hut. And remember, you now have to walk to work in wooded shoes you carved out of a naturally dead or dieing tree with your teeth.
We are not half of the problem, only 25%. We polute 25% of the worlds greenhouse gasses, that's way too much for our population.


Well-Known Member
Global warming is really what they have you all sitting and fighting over? If you havnt figured it out, we are passing through cycles, 2012. All this 2012 shit isnt around for no reason. Forget the worlds gonna end, its not. Unless the transformers want their energon.

Think of this shit as the world cleansing itself. You should do your part and cleanse yourself to. You all are worried about climate change so much, when and if shit hits the fan, are you gonna drink the clean air your promoting? theres much bigger problems around the world than climate change.


if your implying we are going to run out of water..

our planet is like... 80% water


Well-Known Member
Fuckin leftys and rightys. You all are stuck in the fucking middle of the shit-pile. The fact that you guys go by this left and right game, just proves you guys are just part of the herd.

Life doesnt have to be so complicated. So quit making it.