how much light will cause a hermie?


Well-Known Member
Might not couse a hermie but will fuck with your flowering. Herms don't happen as much as people think it dose.


Well-Known Member
a week or so ago my timer messed up and lights were left on for 1 1/2 hours too long, tonight i went up to make sure the lights went off in the closet but forgot to switch the light off in the room the closets in on the way out, it was an hour before i discovered this, will this screw with the plants schedule?The closet has 2 dark blankets covering it to cover the door gaps.


Well-Known Member
so would this small light difference affect my plant? should i leave it in 12 from when the lights went out or let it have only 11 and continue light schedule?


Well-Known Member
any light brighter than a full moon will fuck up the dark cycle. theirs deffinetly a good chance you'll have problems if your lucky it could just mildly stunt then but hermies have happend from less.


I do not understand this hermie thing, you mean if a light got on a plant for like ten minutes in the dark cycle it could ruin the crop?

I know super newbie question.


Active Member
If I need to do something in my flowering room I'll go in and turn on a low watt cfl I have in there and do whatever it is I need to do and never had a problem with a hermie or stunted plants. Granted I don't make a habit of it but IMO people are too scared of light leaks with no real basis for it. I've been growing for quite a few years and this is just what I have observed in my grow.


Active Member
my timer to fuckered up and the lights stayed of for 6 extra hours when i was three weeks in to flower. i was sweating bullets hoping they didn't flip to the awkward side. but they didnt. keep it strict. no light in darkness. i took a flashlight and cut like 8-10 circles out of a mountain dew bottle to make the light green for inspecting my plant during darkness. keep raw and artificial light to a minimum like no more than three minutes and you should be fine, also i wouldn't interrupt the more than one or two times during each dark cycle


Well think how much light there is outdoors at night... People here tend to forget that the plant actually comes from nature :D That fullmoon-example is really good, if moonlight would destroy crops, the plant wouldn't probably exist at all :D But on the other hand, that's about the brightest a night can be outdoors so I bet that's pretty close to the maximum.


Well-Known Member
That is strain dependent to a point. Some are totally susceptible to light in their dark period. Other plants can take small amounts of indirect light with no problem.
Well think how much light there is outdoors at night... People here tend to forget that the plant actually comes from nature :D That fullmoon-example is really good, if moonlight would destroy crops, the plant wouldn't probably exist at all :D But on the other hand, that's about the brightest a night can be outdoors so I bet that's pretty close to the maximum.
Moonlight is a whole different scenario then a beam of light entering grow during dark cycle or defective timer. the moon is on a perfect cycle and therefore plants vibe w it and I've actually seen them tracing the full moon just like sun. Some LEDs actually have a moonlight setting during dark cycle where you can clearly see the silhouette of the plants and they never Hermed or nannered. But If plants are receiving a completely dark off cycle and a beam of light enters and hits a leaf like in a dep house with light leaks or a timer screws up, that will stress the plant and possibly trigger hermies. You have to consider genetics, other stress factors, and whether it's light dep, indoor, or outdoor but if it's enough light for plants to begin even mildly photosynthesizing(.3 foot candles?) they will most likely throw nanners or herm at least a little