How much longer on my Cheesequake. Pics!!!


Active Member
They look good bro if the trichs are how you like them pull it. All the pistils are receding into the bud so to me thats a good sign its done or very close to being done.


Well-Known Member
yea look at the trichs and make sure theres not that many clear ones. you want mostly cloudy and amber trichs


Well-Known Member
people have already said it above about the trich, CQ takes around 8-9weeks. yours looks really good, i'd give her some more time as subcool is usually pretty accurate on flowering times unlike some other breeders that dont warn for those longtime phenos.

i have cq as well but in veg though. i'd love a smoke report from you.


Well-Known Member
mmmmm.. id say another week or 2 at leaast depending on how you like your smoke. i'd let it go another three.. but thats just me XD


Well-Known Member
people have already said it above about the trich, CQ takes around 8-9weeks. yours looks really good, i'd give her some more time as subcool is usually pretty accurate on flowering times unlike some other breeders that dont warn for those longtime phenos.

i have cq as well but in veg though. i'd love a smoke report from you.
Thats the least I can do with all the info I took from this website. I was planning on harvesting on the 27th, which is the 8 week mark, but I'm running out of smoke and may harvest tonight.


Well-Known Member
2-3 weeks id say. Can still see white hairs poking out, all the pistils needs to be receeded really.


Well-Known Member
Went ahead and chopped it. It's my first harvest, and yes it could've gone another week or three, but now I know wen it is to early for my next grows...


Well-Known Member
Went ahead and chopped it. It's my first harvest, and yes it could've gone another week or three, but now I know wen it is to early for my next grows...
you could have chopped 30% of and let the rest go for 2weeks. why chop early when it isnt needed, you just kind of cheat yourself out of all your hard work.

anyways good luck hope you cloned her :)


Well-Known Member
I got a querkle, slh, ww x bb, jtr and a fast nevilles that needed the room. They too are at 8 weeks. Also just added a cloned jtr and an kalashnikova from greenhouse. I'll just take it as a learning experience...


Well-Known Member
yeah, why chop it early when you put all that work and time into growing it, i think you cheated yourself out of a much more potent smoke if you'd waited a few more weeks. Like dude said up could have chopped a small part of it to try out and let the rest keep going. But whats done is done, hope the smoke is still good, let us know how it turned out!