How much longer to go???


Active Member
y all, have a small perhaps unanswerable question. My plant has just started to flower (I think) and I was wondering APPROX. how long I have until it's done. I've read a bit that says this plant "might be" Sativa and it "might" take as long as 4 months??
It's an outdoor plant fed only water (due to my location). The weather is still hot and a bit humid and the days are at about 12hrs50min. Typhoon season is coming though so getting a bit worried, don't want to move it indoors cause it's huge and would prob shock the chit out of it.

Any idea?


Well-Known Member
seems like the pot is too small. and it looks like its in the first week of flower to me.
many weeks left to flower 8 9 10 more...who knows.


Well-Known Member
Maybe 7 to 9 weeks. Some sativas take 88 days. Hairs usually show up around day 15 to 20


Active Member
ya I know the pot is too small, went and got a bigger pot today just getting the extra soil ready. Crazy plant grew about 4 feet in one month!!
And I was gone for 10 days of that, just put it in a long plastic storage bin, filled it about 3 inches full of water and hoped for the best...came back and it was a giant...The heat here prob had something to do with it too though...

Think I see hairs so I guess about 6-7 more weeks which is cool. Was hoping it could be longer as I've got my mum coming for a surprise visit and there is no where to hide

durban poison

Well-Known Member
I take it that you can't stash it in a wardrobe? Or closet? Rig some lights in there until your mother's gone...Only an idea:blsmoke:


Active Member
...and feed it some watered down natural molases. one table spoon to a gallon of water. she needs some food to make big, tastey buds.


Active Member be able to find that...working with a severe language block here...don't think I've seen molasses in Japan...will try tho...thanx


Well-Known Member
...and feed it some watered down natural molases. one table spoon to a gallon of water. she needs some food to make big, tastey buds.
Only feed it molases the last week when you are feeding it plain water. Molases doesnt really change the taste but it will swell your buds


Active Member
ok good 'cause there are nooooo molasses to be had here...think I'll have to make some... *pulls out magic wand*


Active Member
Any suggestions for food that would be easy to explain (language issue here)? I've just been reprimanded for having an unhealthy looking plant....:oops:
I know I'm being lazy...*sigh*....I'll go search the forums...

Yeah, good luck Potter!:mrgreen:
What about a cross between him and mr gadget..."grow grow gadget buds!"


Active Member
Ok so my plant is outdoor and not getting enough light. I don't have a closet to put it into as it's 6 ft tall now. I've never done this before and have tried to do what I can from reading in this forum. The closest ever was my x-bf's roomate having a plant...:-?I live in Japan and it's beyond illegal here. If I get caught, I'm in jail or deported...stupid, maybe. But I had no idea it would take this long and get so big.

So basically my question is what can I do? The plant was just on the balcony but really stretching to get the sunlight so I built this makeshift closet type thing and hung some lights that I KNOW are not what I should be using but I can't get the 400w special light (hps?) here, I've looked.
Now the leaves are curling because it's too hot in there. I have a fan and have kept the door open but the temps here are still in the 30s every day and a bit humid from typhoon season.

My worries are / questions are:

**Not enough light, any ideas?
**Too hot in the 'closet' but better light than outside..?
**Would moving it inside into a room (closets are all max 4ft) be better than outside or too much for the plant? If I could safely move it inside this is what I would do.

Is flourescent better than bulbs? Is limited sunlight better than the 'closet'?
How soon can I harvest it withought it being a total waste? I'm getting freaked because it's so big. Will moving it inside from outside kill it?

ok, I'm repeating myself get the idea..if you have any ideas please help.
