how much money do you save by growing ur own?


Well-Known Member
don't really matter the value, what matters is that u grow it and smoke it all with u and who ever youll blaze out not to sale...


Well-Known Member
yeah when I grow I wont sell, ill just toke it. In a few years I will be growing lbs a month just to toke with me and a few people.


Well-Known Member
dont reply if you dont wanna answer the question, if you dont sell great but not everyone smokes a pound a month


New Member
I pull anywhere from four to thirteen ounces per grow. Fine quality, snob appeal bud around here brings $400+ per ounce. But for me, its not about the money. I don't have to buy it of course, so I like saving the money ... but for me, its more about knowing exactly what I'm growing, how its grown and what was used to grow it. Plus ... growing anything in a garden, tomatoes included, just gets ya a little closer to God. :)



Well-Known Member
Most really good weed sells for $300-400 an ounce around my area, or $100-130 per quarter. Most indoor grows yield 200-500 grams per square meter, but I guess with some strains 600 is possible if you do everything perfectly. If you grow a lot of volume and have to sell by the pound, that price drops A LOT. Around here a pound usually goes for $2000 or so - the same weed would cost $5000 purchased by the ounce. So how much you save depends on how much you would have otherwise spent if you had to buy it.

If you are really trying to figure out how much you could MAKE as a dealer, then that depends on how much space you plan to use and how much money you spend setting up and maintaining your grow. Then you have to figure in how much your fines will be when you get caught and how much your freedom was worth when you eventually lose it.

You are literally 20x more likely to get caught as a dealer than you are as a simple cautious grower who never tells a soul that they grow.

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Shiitake said it all. Big growers get hit all the time and they get the load of so thats where it's all coming from. Man do they lay it on.

Another friend had to go to court for growing medical reasons small community. The judge told him this was the last time they could give him a break. He has one of those disorders where he cant hold his head and arms still and has trouble walking. Smoking stops all that. We moved his operation.

They are no free rides no matter what you do. Are you willing to pay the price.


Well-Known Member
Depends what you grow, what you consume and where you are. C'mon man...

What are you really asking?


Well-Known Member
imo depends on what its worth to you, grow some out, smoke it, and you determine what you want for it compare it to the ganja you currently buy and smoke, is it better or worse than what you pay for? then you decide. me personally what i don't give away to "select" friends and family i take with me on my daily "vertical joyrides" lol. my 2 cents.


Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
I buy the same stuff and by the time I smoke an oz it don't even get me high any more. I used to think I was burned out until someone came up with some good weed. When thats all you can get then it's all you can get and still just a waste of good money.

Grow some good shit and you won't want to sell it.


Well-Known Member
u got a point there einstein, the bud will be so good if u like that selling it wont be an option ... you'll be to busy toking it up ..