how much should i grow?

mr j2

Well-Known Member
So i have a potential 75 seeds that i can grow (50 bagseed, 25 sensi outdoor mix). I'm going to be growing next season outdoors and will have to find a various spots to grow a few in each spot. How much do you think is a manageable amount to attempt? I might have two friends helping harvest, and one friend helping dig the holes and plant them. I'm thinking I may do all 25 sensi seeds and 25 bagseed? A lot of the bag seeds look immature so I'm not sure how many will even germinate. But yeah, does that sound feasible? How many female plants do you think I'll end up with? (Factoring in germination rates and diseases and stuff). I want it to be spring!:-|


Active Member
If your cites are pretty cool - good stealth and good cultivation, 20 good plants will produce more than you & friends can burn. So, that takes 50 seeds to plant to get 20 ladies - and that's being optimistic about your farming.

I'm sure you'll plant the Sensi seeds at your best garden spots. Split up the bag seeds in the other garden spots. spread the risk with many plots unless you have a very cool honey hole. Bag seed isn't especially irreplacable

If you can start your beans indoors you'll have a higher sucess ratio - you must use fans indoors or the small plants can't hang with the outdoor environment.


Well-Known Member
I say grow them all if you arent worried about getting caught! I have also heard that females and males are by chance but different envirmental factors can help sway it. High temp = more male, high humidity = more male, more warm light = more male.