How NOT To Grow Marijuana


ok, so here it is

we are all here on this site, trying to find all the "secrets" to growing this great herb

and well, there's plenty of information to be had, and plenty of experience to back it all up!

but, with the large group that populates this site, not all the information and advice given is the best or most complete, which can lead to a lot of NO NO's by new growers

in all honesty, i myself have made many the wrong move in growing... i think we all have

so i thought it would be a good idea to gather in one place all the misinformation that we can come up with

because we are for the most part all a bunch of stoners, who get "great ideas" sometimes... and when you're growing... you don't want these things to ruin a crop, or hold it back from what it really could be... because not every bad idea is going to kill your plant, but will just hold back a lot of its potential...

so now in the subsequent posts, different topics will be brought up, and why i think they are simply bullshit... hopefully others will join in the info gathering, for i know very little compared to some of you...

just remember, keep this thread clean and civilized, and any informative posts that you make, try and give them some structure so it's easy for new people to follow...

and so it begins...


First on my list


They WILL NOT grow your plant in any way suitable for growing

When used, they simple put out way too much heat (have you ever touched a 100w after its been on for a bit?) and do not put out the correct spectrum for growing...

In the end you will end up with a very stretched plant with few nodes that will not be able to hold itself up under its own weight. In small spaces, the incandescent will usually burn the baby MJ plant to death soon after germ also.



They will reflect light, but they are akward to handle and mount, and are not any where close to being as efficient as other materials, such as mylar or panda plastic, which are both generally cheaper and much easier to deal with than mirrors.

Also, a couple coats of a flat white paint will do a better job reflecting than the mirrors, and everybody know's how to use a brush!


Well-Known Member
First on my list


They WILL NOT grow your plant in any way suitable for growing

When used, they simple put out way too much heat (have you ever touched a 100w after its been on for a bit?) and do not put out the correct spectrum for growing...

In the end you will end up with a very stretched plant with few nodes that will not be able to hold itself up under its own weight. In small spaces, the incandescent will usually burn the baby marijuana plant to death soon after germ also.
first let me say great idea LJI,,,,and add to your bad lighting list ,,HALOGEN work lighting does not grow suitably either,,,,Thank You :mrgreen:

Keep on Growing



Well-Known Member
This is a good idea, lol.

MIRACLE GROW with or without the gay TIMED RELEASE fomulas

Fuck this shit, it gives out shit pot, the timed release formulas mess with your plants feeding, and the quality of the plant is diminished.

Miracle gro sucks, so suck it up and go to a hydro shop already.


This is a good idea, lol.

MIRACLE GROW with or without the gay TIMED RELEASE fomulas

Fuck this shit, it gives out shit pot, the timed release formulas mess with your plants feeding, and the quality of the plant is diminished.

Miracle gro sucks, so suck it up and go to a hydro shop already.
i agree and disagree

NOBODY starting out should use ANY time released ferts in their soil

this is one mistake i have made and learned from

you never really know when you are going to need to add ferts to your water when you have the time released stuff in it... which can lead to constant undernuting and overnuting... which in turn can either a) kill your plant b) diminish it's size because it always has to recover from the current damage c) get you some hermies from stressing the plant so much

getting a nice organic soil or even a soilless medium will be the way to go

now where i disagree with you

Miracle grow is basically the same as any other chem fert you will buy at a shop if you get the kind to mix into water... and many a compotent grower has used MG 20-20-20 with great success... it's just a matter of treating it like any other fert and starting at small dosages while slowly increasing them

time release ferts in OUTDOOR grows can be a lifesaver sometimes, for those who go guerilla and plant in nearly impossible places to get to... they sometimes only have a chance to put the seeds or clones in the grow area and then will not return until it's time to pick out males, and then again not until harvest


Well-Known Member
1. dont go out back and grab soil from the ground, it'll be infested with little critters. if you do heat/microwave the soil to kill everything in it.

2. dont tell anyone what youre doing.

3. dont listen mindlessly to advice without double or triple checking it on this site and other grow sites. some people dont know jack but talk like they do, there is always that type of people on every forum.

4. dont start asking questions without at least skimming the growfaq to see if the answer is there. you will most likely find the answer faster than if you wait for a reply, and then you still have to do #3^.


more to come today boys and girls!!!
this will take atleast a week or two to be compiled, but will always have stuff added on or debated about...

i really would like the veteran growers to all get in here and shed some light on what NOT to do, for i'm sure you've all made a mistake or two...


Well-Known Member
more to come today boys and girls!!!
this will take atleast a week or two to be compiled, but will always have stuff added on or debated about...

i really would like the veteran growers to all get in here and shed some light on what NOT to do, for i'm sure you've all made a mistake or two...
one of the biggest mistakes most new growers make don't over water your plant. don't grow in your parents house with out them knowing.


one of the biggest mistakes most new growers make don't over water your plant. don't grow in your parents house with out them knowing.

good points
which brings us to


Marijuana plants do not like to be in muddy wet soil at all times. Nor do they like bone dry soil all the time.

Many people have many issues with there plants, stemming from either over or underwatering. It's really not that difficult to get down, once you know what to do.

The most simple guide to watering... when the soil gets dry an inch down (stick your finger in the soil to tell) then its time to water again. If it's damp, let it go another day or two, because it should be DRY an inch down when you water again.

Now, how much time there is between waterings will be completely dependant on other growing conditions (medium used, temp, humidity, etc. etc), but you should always wait unitl the soil dries out some.

Along with this, is make sure you have good enough drainage from you're pots. If the excess water does not have the ability to drain away from the soil, otherwise the water will sit at the bottom of the pot and rot your roots, slowing growth and making for some sick plants. So once watering, the excess water should come through the drain holes... but do not leave it in a dish that will keep the standing water in the bottom of your pots.


Active Member
Here's a good one, I've seen alot of posts on this site of newbs growing 2 or more plants in one pot. Thats a no no. The roots will fight for space and nutes, they'll interleave and interlock and then seperating them will be impossible. As they grow large and start to flower even, they will struggle to survive.


Here's a good one, I've seen alot of posts on this site of newbs growing 2 or more plants in one pot. Thats a no no. The roots will fight for space and nutes, they'll interleave and interlock and then seperating them will be impossible. As they grow large and start to flower even, they will struggle to survive.

good point
though, in a large enough container, multiple plants isn't necessarily bad...

but one still has to factor in each plant getting enough space for themselves

to be on the safe side, one plant/pot
it will make for less complications...