How often do you think about death?


Well-Known Member
I probably do every week min once or twice. I kinda use death as an excuse(or morbid reminder) to enjoy life as much as its possible. I always tell myself you could be dead next week so do whatever it is it is possible while you can still move. Im still young bhut im pretty confident i could die soon and feel pretty fulffilled.... maybe its my immature ignorant naivity speaking. Dont get me wrong i love living but the thought off death makes me want to live harder, not fear its arrival nor when that arrival is to occur. I just wanna live really hard.

These ones go out to all of those trying to love life really hard



Well-Known Member
I live under the assumption that I could have a stroke or get broadsisided by some dumb fuck any day, I tell my wife that every day should be treated as your last day at work or a vacation day and I try to make sure I enjoy the shit out of what I get. I'm drinking some makers mark and enjoying a nice cigar right now and when I go to bed I'll lie there for a few and think "yeah, it was a good day".

I don't obsess about death or really think about it too much but just make sure to enjoy life. I told my boss at my job interview, I don't need this job and I don't need to be hassled but I do good work if you let me.
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Well-Known Member
I know I could die at anytime. Although I do my best to prevent death, the concept doesn't bother me. I didn't want to wait until old age to live a happy, relaxed life. Who knows if I'll make it that far? So I live about 80% in the present, 15% in the future, and only 5% in the past. I want to accomplish much more and experience many more things that life has to offer, just at a pleasantly relaxed pace...

"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist." - Epicurus

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”- Mark Twain


Well-Known Member
I usually think about death after the fact, one of those 'that was close' situations.Beyond that I don't think about it, just like I don't think about it eventually being Monday.

Some people think life goes on after death, and they're right! Life does go on but you're not there, you're dead.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
What I really think about now that I'm 60 is the fact that I have great health, a long life line on both sides of my parents... So what I think about more than death is the fact that I run a good possibility of living here for another 30 or more years! That blows my freaking mind!

I hope to have a bad ass grow room by then.... lol:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Daily. I was put here on this earth to do a certain number of things... Right now, I am so far behind, I will never due!


Well-Known Member
Most people dont thinktheir going to die, not in this lifetime at least. I try to be at peace with the fact that when my time is up its up. Nothing anyone can do to change that or prolong or expedite how much more time we have in the physical realm. And if we are conscious beings outside of these bodies than time will be nonexistent. Thus these lives we live will be like a quick dream to an eternal soul.


Well-Known Member
I had to start thinking about death a couple of months ago when I found out the 12 year old son of some good friends of ours hung himself. I can't even imagine how that became the best solution he could think of for his problems and I don't even want to know what sort of a hole that left in their lives. When we meet up with them again I don't know if I'll be able to keep it together for them.

Now I try and think about life as much as possible.