How realistic are these penalties?


Active Member
Well damn these penalties look scary to say the least..but how realistic are they? And yes, I'm aware that only the maximum penalties are listed here. I suppose I'm asking for personal experience with violation of marijuana laws or something like that. If you know what I'm asking for feel free to answer lol.

I only plan to grow about 4-5 plants. Lets say I get raided. What do you think will happen to me? First offender.

Also lets say I get caught with an ounce in my vehicle. Same question, what will happen to me iyo?


Active Member
well by that law for florida. if you get caught with a Ounce you get
More than 20 gramsfelony5 years$ 5,000
then all depends on quanity for penalty
Less then 25 plants - 5 years, and up to 5,000$ fine
Less than 25 plantsfelony5 years$ 5,000

Id have to live in the area. So I guess I can't help on that part. Im from Canada. and not as strict with the weed


Active Member
well by that law for florida. if you get caught with a Ounce you get
More than 20 gramsfelony5 years$ 5,000
then all depends on quanity for penalty
Less then 25 plants - 5 years, and up to 5,000$ fine
Less than 25 plantsfelony5 years$ 5,000

Id have to live in the area. So I guess I can't help on that part. Im from Canada. and not as strict with the weed
Yeah I'm looking more for local posters on this one. People with experience in regards to Florida's marijuana penalties. But thanks anyways :mrgreen:


Active Member
That chart seems kinda wack, you'd get intent to manufacture, possibly distribute, you'd definitly have 20+ grams so there's possession. Not so sure since I havn't been arrested after the age of 18 but you'd be fucked. What part of florida you from? I gotta dodge BSO around here -__- if its only 4-5 plants as you say then you should be straight because it's a small amount and fairly easy to conceal. If your worried use LED'S or CFL's so your heat and power is low. Don't let your fucking friends see your grow and you just gotta stay under the radar till you crop. Also dispose of trimmings and grow supplies properly because if they have suspicion that your growing that could be just what they need for a warrent. A friend of my familys just got busted with 3 grow houses in FL and he's got like a 10 year minimum now. Shouts out the the state with the most indoor grow houses fuck cali.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Well damn these penalties look scary to say the least..but how realistic are they? And yes, I'm aware that only the maximum penalties are listed here. I suppose I'm asking for personal experience with violation of marijuana laws or something like that. If you know what I'm asking for feel free to answer lol.

I only plan to grow about 4-5 plants. Lets say I get raided. What do you think will happen to me? First offender.

Also lets say I get caught with an ounce in my vehicle. Same question, what will happen to me iyo?
I wonder if the people who owned the grow house forfeited their property..........


Active Member
check the location. its really up and down over here though, in orlando, if you in the crime areas, the cops are SUPER cool with potheads because they don't want to waste time with idiots. but in kissimmee and st. cloud(surrounding orlando area) cops are dickheads because that part is either the spic central or white hick racist country. but that's my area at least. i can't tell you how it is if you live in tampa or some shit like that. alotta times though, if you tell the cops you HAVE weed they might bust you and get you with some probation or w/e or even let you go with a fine. but those penalties are rediculous. if you get raided though, you going down. and if you get caught with an ounce you MIGHT, if you're a white guy, get probation or even a fine but more than likely probation.


Well-Known Member
You should only be scared if you feel as if your gonna get caught,take a deep breath,and keep people out of your business,bcuz that's the number 1 way to get caught up,other than that,you gotta be able to play it how it go's if the shit does hit the fan.


Active Member
the only way to get caught is if your a dumbass and tell everyone. how else will they even know youd have plants
You've clearly never experienced a raid of any sorts lol. If they come inside, I want to know what I'm facing. It's as simple as that.


Well-Known Member
You've clearly never experienced a raid of any sorts lol. If they come inside, I want to know what I'm facing. It's as simple as that.
A few plants,I'd say most likely probation like others say,not unless your already on probabtion or have any priors,you shouldn't beat yourself up about the worst that can happen,bcuz even tho it can happen.but as long as you take those precautions to not let that happen,meaning not letting people know,or see more than they need to,not shitting where you sleep,IF you deal,you should be alright,and sleep better at night.I seen alot of growers get fucked over bcuz of hate,money,greed and just all around talking to much,and I understand you want to know what can happen to you if you get caught,who knows until you actually do,hopefully you wont,but you feel where I'm coming from.


Active Member
A few plants,I'd say most likely probation like others say,not unless your already on probabtion or have any priors,you shouldn't beat yourself up about the worst that can happen,bcuz even tho it can happen.but as long as you take those precautions to not let that happen,meaning not letting people know,or see more than they need to,not shitting where you sleep,IF you deal,you should be alright,and sleep better at night.I seen alot of growers get fucked over bcuz of hate,money,greed and just all around talking to much,and I understand you want to know what can happen to you if you get caught,who knows until you actually do,hopefully you wont,but you feel where I'm coming from.
I feel you. I'm not beatin myself up about the worst case scenario though. That's why I'm asking for some realistic penalties, and maybe some personal experience ya know?


Ursus marijanus
I think the trouble is that one cop with a vendetta and connections to the courts can wipe out "reasonable/realistic" as a boundary. It's a risky game. cn


Active Member
I think the trouble is that one cop with a vendetta and connections to the courts can wipe out "reasonable/realistic" as a boundary. It's a risky game. cn
Well I'm the type of person that will risk it for the biscuit..especially if that biscuit will get you high :mrgreen: