How Safe Is Posting Weed Photo's Here?


Active Member
The grower mind can be paranoid, and not having a vast knowledge of how the internet works one may wonder how difficult would it be for an unfriendly party to find a users identity if they were motivated to? Any insights on this?

I keep my posting mostly photo free, but some people I know won't even register or post here, which is too bad. The most informative posts for me have always been ones with pictures, so I'd like to contribute to the community as well, but am a bit hesitant.

Can anyone educate me on this issue? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
What is their really to be scared of. Get an Ip scrambler and i dont think any of the info on an image will lead back to you unless you have the tracking turns on


and so what if i upload photos...i could be at a friends house for all they know right? and another plus if your legit then there shouldnt be any problems.? i dont thin that because odf some internet photos people can just storm your house looing for some plants...can they?


Active Member
Yeah, it's probably safe enough. I'll look into the exif remover and ip scrambler.

I just remember back in the 80's Reagan/war-on-drugs days they seized shipping records from hydro shops and got warrants with no more evidence than having bought lights and timers, scary. Though that was a different time, and now we have dispensaries and a zillion hydro shops, so I probably shouldn't hesitate.


Active Member
I'm kinda stuck on the same issue. I don't think it's a risk but it does seem to go against my paranoid nature. To keep your real ip off the site I'd recommend something like tor or i2p (i2p is better imho). If a government is willing to go to the lengths necessary to defeat those systems you are doing something a lot worse then growing weed. I know i2p has a nice official irc server in the darknet so you can also chat about weed without betraying your ip. Also make sure your face isn't visible in any reflections might even want to cover your face before taking any pictures just to CYA.

Wade Benz

New Member
your posting on the www. anything found here is admissible in a court of law in persecution against you if they can link it to you. Nothings safe. But their actually ability to monitor this stuff is not there. So, stay off the radar and its not a problem, cause a legal issue and boy you better be googling yourself and deleting any incriminating evidence you can find.


Well-Known Member
Most police agencies are way too busy to worry about someone posting a few pictures of some MJ plants on the internet.......Someone tried to run some kind of email scam on a friend of mine, my friend had the persons name and address and called the state police and they said they dont have time investigate crimes on the internet, and this was with the persons info already. I wouldn't worry about it.