How should i dry my weed?


Well-Known Member
Im a first time grower and i was just woundering how i should dry my weed without it forming mildo? thanks....


Well-Known Member
w/ clothespins on a hangar. or you can place the buds into a paper bag, turning them daily to maximize drying, whichever, keep them in a dark dry room for about 2 weeks, then you can cure it (for about a month), by putting them into a glass jar with a slice of orange RIND, checking for mold daily.


New Member
what's the difference bw drying and curing? i thought curing was drying, but ur sayin to put into a glass jar? ive heard ppl use orange peel increase moisture by a bit and to increase a bit of flavor, what do u think?


New Member
what's the difference bw drying and curing? i thought curing was drying, but ur sayin to put into a glass jar? ive heard ppl use orange peel increase moisture by a bit and to increase a bit of flavor, what do u think?
Drying is not curing.

Get some wire coat hangers to hang the branches from. Hang them upside down for four - five days with a fan blowing GENTLY across the buds. The fan can be across the room.

Once the buds feel dry on the outside, cut all the buds off. Place the buds LOOSLY into brown paper bags like the ones you get at the market. Turn the buds several times a day until they feel dry.

Now, put the buds into glass Mason Jars and put the lids on. Remove the lids several times a day to let air into the jars.

After your confident that the buds have no more moisture to lose, put the lids back on the jars and store them in a dark place in your closet. They will start going through the curing process at that point. As the months go by, they will continually get less harsh ... smoother on the smoke, and better tasting too. Its always a pleasure to open a jar that's been curing for a couple of months and get the aroma of finely cured buds.

With all that said, the real challenge is to see if you can stay away from the buds long enough to let them cure. ~lol~



Active Member
We just chopped our plants yesterday and posted pics. We hang ours upside down in a T.v box right next to the heater. It gives off a warm dry air and drys the bud perfectly it seems.

We cure ours for at least a week after the bud completely dries. We leave the jars sealed all day then open them for a couple hours to get fresh air to vent the moisture. After a week of doing that you should be able to keep the jar sealed 24/7 in a dark cold place and make it really potent!


Well-Known Member
is it possible, instead of cuting the whole plant, to just snip the buds off and flower the plant for a second harvest?


Well-Known Member
It is possible to harvest weed plants and then rejuvenate them vegetatively for a 2nd and even 3rd harvest. A second harvest can be realized in as little as 6-8 weeks. Since the White Widow plant’s stalk, and roots are already formed, the weed plant can produce a second, even third harvest of buds in a little more than half the time of the original harvest. When harvesting, take off the top 1/3rd of the weed plant. Leave most healthy fan leaves in the middle of the weed plant, cutting buds off branches carefully. On the lower 1/3rd of the weed plant, take off end flowers, but leave several small flowers on each branch. These will be the part of the weed plant that is regenerated. The more buds you leave on the White Widow plant, the faster it will regenerate. Feed the weed plant some Miracle Grow or any high nitrogen weed plant food immediately after harvest. When you intend to regenerate a weed plant, make sure it never gets too starved for nitrogen as it is maturing, or all the sun leaves will fall off, and your White Widow plant will not have enough leaves to live after being harvested.
Harvested weed plants can come inside for rejuvenation under continuous light or are left outside in Summer to rejuvenate in the natural long days. It will take 7-14 days to see signs of new growth when regenerating a weed plant. As stated before, and in contrast to normal growth patterns, lower branches will be the first to sprout new vegetative growth. Allow the White Widow plant to grow a little vegetatively, then take outside again to reflower. Or keep inside for vegetative cuttings. You now have two or three generations of weed plants growing, and will need more space outside. But you will now be harvesting twice as often. As often as every 30 days, since you have new clones or seedlings growing, vegetative weed plants ready to flower, and regenerated weed plants flowering too.
Regenerating indoors can create problems if your plants are infected with pests. It may be best to have a separate area indoors that will not allow your weed plants to infect the main indoor area. An alternative to regenerating indoors is to regenerate outdoors in the Summer. Just take a harvest in June, then allow the weed plant to regenerate by leaving some lower buds on the weed plant, and leaving the middle 1/3rd of the weed plant’s leaves at harvest. Feed it nitrogen, and make sure it gets lots of sun. It will regenerate all Summer and be quite large by Fall, when it will start to flower again naturally.



Well-Known Member
Dude thanks for the post Im gonna try it, magnifying glass and scalpel very carefully...