How Soon Can You Start To See Preflowers?


Active Member
My bagseed plant is only 16 days from sprouting and I noticed these little ball-like things towards the top node. Isn't 3 weeks a little soon to be able to see preflowers or am I effed? :shock:

Sorry for the crappy cell pic, my camera is charging :(


Active Member
Hard to tell from the pic but I doubt you would have any preflowers this early. Get a better pic if you can. Man this site has been down a lot lately:(


Well-Known Member
yeah the plant is too young for the calyxes to be so swollen like thinking male.


Active Member
I will try to have better pics by this evening. I really don't like the look of the top either. Its like a hard ball. Crap


Active Member
Piss stain! Well at least it's my only plant so it won't affect any others. I will yank him tonight and start another 4 seeds germinating.

I guess it's just part of growing, I was lucky with my very first plant to get a female. Oh well, on to take 2!!


hey zip,that is def a male plant. but it a nice one looks real indaca dominate imo.

peace JEEP1


Well-Known Member
Plant looks very heathy and huge for 3 weeks. I guss I better go look for balls on my 3 week olds. I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of males. Good info guys.


Active Member
for sure its a malefrom that pic u posted pretty much says its a male,, sory for ya man,, try try n try again untill a female shows up !!!


Active Member
I'm currently germinating 5 seeds this time around compared to the 3 I did last time (only the one survived planting). I consider it great practice!!


Well-Known Member
Wow I have plants under 12/12 for a month after 2 weeks of 18/6 that still haven't shown sex. Better luck next round


Active Member
if u want to find some good bagseeds get some brick ass weed.i heard theirs a "myth" that if theirs a crater in like the bottom of the seed its female,but its not proven...


Active Member
Hahaha, it's been so long since I've even SEEN shitweed like that lol. Used to get it all the time back in the day!! I don't think I could even find some anymore haha. We've got a jar with like 20 seeds we've been saving for a while to choose from. I picked five and started my new thread. Check my sig :)


Active Member
Hahaha, it's been so long since I've even SEEN shitweed like that lol. Used to get it all the time back in the day!! I don't think I could even find some anymore haha. We've got a jar with like 20 seeds we've been saving for a while to choose from. I picked five and started my new thread. Check my sig :)
ima check that right now,but im tellin u man,ask your friends about some shit dealers with some browntown. That is,if your not willing to buy from a seedbank of course.But just get a nick of some brick and you got a few good beans right there