No contradiction; Revolution is short term, planetary destruction by extension of the status quo is long term.
Also, revolution in America, at least in the classic sense of armed insurrection, is a suicide mission and one I don't condone or think will succeed.
Our imperialist, militarist and increasingly fascist nation is indeed killing millions of innocent civilians worldwide. Genocide is debatable and perhaps beside the point in the larger argument.
My beef is with the oligarchs who have taken hold of nearly all of the reins of power and wield them to the short AND long term detriment of our society, not to mention all the rest of them.
Bernie didn't address that at all and it is one of his shortcomings, IMHO.
Re: Bernies shortcomings..he bullet points his have 10 seconds of a humans attention span. He's getting the basics down and when people start to ask for more, he'll provide it..he's addressing all IQ' if it's a little dumb downed?..feel me?