How To Build Grow Room Frame 4x8x8 or 4x8x7


Active Member
Hey I want to build a grow tent/room because i can't tear up all the carpet but i can use the whole room. I wanted to build a clone and mother room, is there a good thread on that? Also, I don't know anything about frames or what i would need to build it for holding lgihts and what not. So if you have any help on how i would build a grow tent with the dimensions of 4'x8'x8'.

Oh one more thing, I couldn't find anything on a SOG or SCROG for soil so if you have any info on how i would do that and if there is a better room dimension for it that would be very helpful. thanks anyone who replys


Active Member
Clones and mothers could be kept in the same room, except you might need something to trap humidity in for clones.

First of all, how much space do you have to work with? Let's start there. We can discuss sea of green vs. screen of green once you have your space set up.


Active Member
I'm interested in this thread because im doing the same thing. I actually custom make (fit to scale) layouts. I can make one for you no prob.

Im in the process of making a guys right now.
7 x 4 x 8 Custom Grow box.jpg