How to Clean Carbon Filters for Extended use


Well-Known Member
I purchased a square carbon filter that is refillable (no name or markings) about 10 years ago and I have never seen this model again.
I refill it once a year after a crop is complete and the room is empty, I used to take it outside and dump it but now I use a shop vac with a HEPA filter to suck out the carbon pellets
(Do not try with out a HEPA filter or you will get dust everywhere)
I pour new pellets in to a jug and then slowly refill the filter to the top and shake/tamp it down to avoid any air space, fasten the top on with machine screws and then hang it back from the ceiling, after this the grow room requires a thorough wipe down as dust gets every where.
I personally do not think that I would try to reactivate carbon as it is very messy and you would only get black dust everywhere!
I purchase a 50lb bag for $140.00 here in Ontario, what do you guy's and gal's pay where you are?
I do not use any pre filter for dust but I see them on new filters for sale, any thoughts on pre filters being necessary?


Well-Known Member
hmm interesting, my filter is rated for 6-9 months, ive been using it about 2 years now, i replaced the previous one for the sake of it after 3 years but it was still working
i vent from 1 room to another room where i run ozone so its easy to check its performance, i have not noticed any lack of performance yet ,
i remove the outer dust sleeve so it doesn't reduce the flow as much and i just vacuum it when it gets dusty after each crop ..
maybe this one will last 5 years who knows :)


Well-Known Member
I refilled once(never again,btw),just drill the rivets out,dump,refill(shaking and smacking to conense carbon every cup or so) replace cap,pop rivet through holes to seal again..very messy and time consuming..or better yet..realize you grow dope,got money,some sense,add $180 to your adventure(a night outs worth of currency),and get a new filter..if your really hard up for cash take the old one to scrap metal facility to get the $3 the old cans worth,and do a self portrait with the charcoal and sell it on ebay,you sexy pot growin picasso..


Well-Known Member
And,rule of the grow..replace every 6 need to gamble everything you got for a $600 a year overhead..just as dumb as stealin electricity.


Active Member
Put the carbon into the dryer machine and dry for 15 minutes. Usually works last for 1-3 months


Well-Known Member
Put the carbon into the dryer machine and dry for 15 minutes. Usually works last for 1-3 months

"Honey.....why are my mothers 49 year old white silk ass doilies all black?"

That just dont sound like a good idea

After reading the whole thread and see the way its going, I have to say the first time I layed eyes on my phresh filter (I have 2 6 x 24 inch ones) I saw the rivets and immediately knew that I could take it apart, I just had no idea where to get the activated carbon from. And my hydro shop doesnt have it before anyone says that.... But the other thing I noticed on these filters, they are like half full of carbon.....would they not work better if the cavity was full? Not that I have any complaints really, when I turn on one I cant smell anything outside my grow tent, and thats full on bloom with 12 medium sized plants in a 4x8 tent, this is with a 6" fan. I will say one day the power in my building went out in mid bloom and boy did I realize how valuable those filters were, especially seeing I had someone that could make life real hard for me if they found my grow room while they were inspecting what they were inspecting.

I will be refilling mine but I purchased a second one to have on hand, brand new, ready to go if/when the one I've been using for the past however long starts stankin' the place up on me. Be as cheap as you want, just have a ready to go back up on hand that you know without a doubt works.


Well-Known Member
Cleaning of Activated Carbon/Charcoal (AC) is actually quite complicated, and can be a bit 'hit and miss'.

For most applications it may be adequate to soak it for 48 hours in 9-10% hydrogen peroxide, stirring regularly, and replenishing the solution several times. Then bake in a hot oven for an hour or two. The peroxide is very reactive and helps break down protein, bacteria, and organic compounds, and the baking drives them off....

This could be adequate for most 'home uses' where the quality of the cleaning is not of high importance (for example: use in home water filters, fish tanks, or to purify distilled alcohol).


Well-Known Member
Yeah I take back that "be as cheap as you want" statement.

Reuse the carbon filter cage/setup, but I think all you guys looking to reuse the actual carbon are just asking for a headache, dont be that fargin' cheap.


Well-Known Member
And,rule of the grow..replace every 6 need to gamble everything you got for a $600 a year overhead..just as dumb as stealin electricity.
this is the logic of a fool, only replace the filter if it needs replacing lol


Well-Known Member
Get the carbon pellets off ebay, they have bulk bags, thats where i got mine last year i made my filter.. Used 20lbs or so of carbon it. wasnt a bad price at all for it.