How to clone. With alot of pictures very good Cloning Guide


Well-Known Member
hey is my thermo fucked up or have any of you guys ever had a problem keeping you humid dome at 100% humid I think its my thermo my humid dome dosent fit air tight also for some reason. what you guys think?


Active Member
its not really possible to get to 100% it would technially be raining inside the dome. to get your low 90's - mid 90's would be best.


Well-Known Member
cool I got it there (90%) I had to move it from the fan. Hey when they start rooting, still do not spray them till they pop out more,(just keep the humid at 90%? ) cuz I had one rooting, then I sprayed it a lil then the stem went to mush. Anything on that?


How many times can you keep the same gene going?? I am working off a mother from early this year and have been cloning the clones ever since. So do I have anything to worry about since i'm still cloning off the clones for the past year?? Do i lose anything by doing this and not bring in a new strain?? I have 9 plants and bring one to flower every week.. So i've had prob 20+ plants and some are clones from clones from clones from clones, ect.....


Active Member
sorry i dont come here as often as before, and yes you can mother a plant fora long time, the longest ive heard was 7 years. but i dont recommend it. I usually switch my mother out every 6-7 months. or once the clones stems only get to a tooth pick size.
and the bad that can come from it is just quality and quantity is taken down drastically the more you wait to start a new mother.


New Member
Yes, thank you for the explanation of the splitting and scraping of the stem. That makes complete sense now. I have been taught to avoid trauma and razor blades and slicing and scraping just seemed like it was going against all I had learned thus far. I learn every day and look forward to it. You never know what you may find.....


Well-Known Member
sorry i dont come here as often as before, and yes you can mother a plant fora long time, the longest ive heard was 7 years. but i dont recommend it. I usually switch my mother out every 6-7 months. or once the clones stems only get to a tooth pick size.
and the bad that can come from it is just quality and quantity is taken down drastically the more you wait to start a new mother.

As I understand it, a clone is an exact replica of the mother. No amount of time will decrease its quality. It's best to switch the mother out every year or so; just make a clone, plant it in soil and its the new mother. You could then take the old mother and flower her. Also I heard genetics peak a few months into grow, so possibly 2nd and third gen clones would be better then the first set, due to the over ll age of the genetics.


Well-Known Member
I was going to make a new post but I found this and it has good info on cloning so im going to do it here. Two reasons, to bump this thread because it should be looked at every once in a while and two this is a good place for it.

I was wondering if everyone would like to share thier method of cloning, success rate, and maybe share some pics?

I use an 8 site DWC cloner I made myself from a 6 quart rubbermaid tub/tote I bought for a $1. I cut 2" holes in it and use 2" baskets full of hydroton. I've used the foam discs but i've found that cloning in hydroton is faster and produces a lot more roots. I use ph'd water with a few drops of Hormex root stimulator in it. I get 100% success in two weeks with most strains. I've used the root riots/rapid rooters but my DWC cloner is faster and produces better roots.