How to conserve a half oz through a month


Well-Known Member
I used a vaporizer for the better part of this year and I found myself going through weed faster, and using my vape way more than I ever used my I switched back to the bong...


Well-Known Member
I smoked 1/2 or less per month for years. I only got high in the evening and used a simple glass pipe with a screen and a small bowl. It can be done. Now that I grow my own I use way too much...


Well-Known Member
i can make 1 oz of swag last a month i just pre weigh out .4 for each day i never smoke more than .5g a day hope this helps man


Global Moderator
Staff member
Grow more than you need.
That's what most of us on here do. Frankly I have no idea how much I go through - and honestly don't give a damn because if my stash runs out I just break out another jar.
Swing by if you need a bud - I'm a "Share (r)".


Well-Known Member
sorry i ment 2 months does it make sense now? for example i had 1 oz left 2 days befor flower so thats how i came up with the estimation.


Well-Known Member
bong rips, and pack it fat. Don't be taking no little snaps. Go big or go home. One and done for me.


Well-Known Member
yea dude anyways what i was trying to say was i get by only smokeing .4-.5 A day you could do the same methood except since its dank maby go .3 a day its enough for me 2 smoke 1 big bowl a day or 2.5 small bowls