How to cure your buds.


Well-Known Member
I have have been reading about curing..

something like that:

1) I trim all the leaves and stems off. (and keep them for making hash)

2) I hang the buds upside-down in a dark place with temps around 70F.

3) after a week or so I try to bend the stem. the perfect time to take them is that point where it ALMOST snaps (u can feel it).

4) now I put them in a glass jar which has to be airproof. still they have to be in a dark place and temps should be same.

5) next day I check them and if the glass jar is moist inside I lay the buds out to get the last water out. I open the jar daily and if the glass jar wont get moist anymore the buds are "ready".

6) I put the glass jar into a fridge and let it be there for a week or so. temps should be over 0 Celsius so there's no risk for freezing the buds.

7) I take the buds out and... as a result I get a smooth, tasty and potent buds.

lol that was my concept of curing the buds. :blsmoke:

correct me if Im wrong please and tell me know if u have a better version or something to add.

thank you! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the fridge deal,iv'e never done that.And I don't trim my bud leaves off until after it is dry not before.Oh and from my experience don't put them in the jar until the stems snap not almost snap, almost snapping buds cured with a funny smell.


Well-Known Member
any more input?
As Pookie said snap..You didn't mention if you're flushing before (1 week) you cut.
I've had bad luck with putting weed to dry in the dark (mold) I'd just keep it at room temp & not in direct sunlight (sweat inside jar), burp daily & by 3/4 filling your jars you can give them a good shake to mix them up, and air movement...
Read FAQ....luck
