how to decrease humidity???


Well-Known Member
Yes change your intake to exhaust... in fact you don't need a fan for intake you can go passive stay high
alrite guys i just finished switching the fans so now i have 1 intake and 2 exhaust fans. im going to let it run and keep an eye on it over night. thanks for the suggestions


Well-Known Member
so i actually need more exhuast than i do intake? i heard it was the other way around, can that actually help my humidity problem tho?
To answer this yes more exhaust than intake, it will create negative pressure in your box, maybe sucking the sides in a little bit, a lot of ppl don't use fans for intake, just a hole. That is known as passive intake. Having a fan for intake would make it "active" intake. if you go with active you want about a 2:1 ratio. I could go into further detail about cfms but I'm on my phone and typing is a pain in the ass. Stay high.
NTo answer this yes more exhaust than intake, it will create negative pressure in your box, maybe sucking the sides in a little bit, a lot of ppl don't use fans for intake, just a hole. That is known as passive intake. Having a fan for intake would make it "active" intake. if you go with active you want about a 2:1 ratio. I could go into further detail about cfms but I'm on my phone and typing is a pain in the ass. Stay high.
i did not know that, thanks for the info man...maybe if i still have problems il just get rid of the intake fan.
alrite guys i left my box going all night with the lights off and fans running and i woke up and the temp was 65-70 and the humidity was still 55-60%. when the lights are on its at a ideal temp of 75-80 and 35-40% humidity. is there anymore suggestions???, is there any way i can get it warmer in there that doesnt use light???


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
your fine, use all fans for exaust and let thenegative pressure putt your air into your tote. jesus christ man this is not that big of a issue stop shitting your plants over it.

get some silica packs if your that concerned
your fine, use all fans for exaust and let thenegative pressure putt your air into your tote. jesus christ man this is not that big of a issue stop shitting your plants over it.

get some silica packs if your that concerned
well i heard that the humidity should be less than 50-60% so you dont get mold and rot. are you saying that i shouldnt have an intake fan and just use exhaust fans??? would that help with the high humidity without lights on??? sorry if it seems im freaking out but im in the middle of building the box and just want to get started with the grow


Well-Known Member

From the humidity levels you said earlier that is about perfect, your temps, lights on and off are FINE! your humidity levels, lights on and off are FINE!
lights off and fans running...temp was 65-70...humidity 55-60%. Lights are on its at a ideal temp of 75-80 and 35-40% humidity.
you only have to worry about mold in flower and even for flower your levels are FINE!

I think you forget that essentially this plant is a weed and grows in thousands of different environments, most hybrid strains are extremely hardy and I find people worry (unnescasarily) too much about how to grow.

From the humidity levels you said earlier that is about perfect, your temps, lights on and off are FINE! your humidity levels, lights on and off are FINE!

you only have to worry about mold in flower and even for flower your levels are FINE!

I think you forget that essentially this plant is a weed and grows in thousands of different environments, most hybrid strains are extremely hardy and I find people worry (unnescasarily) too much about how to grow this Cannabis.
would smell get through the vent hole? i gotta keep this hush hush,


Well-Known Member
NO, so long as you have negative pressure in there smell should not escape, no air should escape other than through the exhaust, which in turn providing you've built one should go through your carbon filter.

Negative pressure can be created first by mounting the exhaust fans, make about an inch hole as a passive intake (usually at the bottom of the box on the opposite side to the exhaust), the fans sound like they're stuggling (you can hear it especially with PC fans) then do another inch hole and so on UNTIL the fans sound like they are struggling a tiny bit (for 2 average PC fans 3 or 4 one inch holes should suffice).

OR if you have a hole cut out for an intake fan already, 2 exhausts should be enough to create enough negative pressure you can always make the hole a tad smaller with duct tape or something similar.

Now chill out man it's not hard to build a box.