How to dispose of males?


Active Member
Heya all. Anyone know of a thread that details how to make male plants into cannabutter or something else? I don't wanna just throw them away since it was my first grow, and I have two plants that have showed sex... Looking for something to do with them tonight after work.

Any input is much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
a couple weeks ago i cut my 2 males, they were about 1.5-2 feet tall. instead of throwing them away as usual, i said... "fuck it, im gonna try to make some butter out of them" honestly i didnt expect to get high at all.

so i used one cube of butter for both the plants. (I am assuming you know the process). i made one batch of 12 cookies. my wife and i each ate 3 cookies. and it actually worked. i was actually high, not some "i think im high", but legitly high. then next night we ate the other 3 each and same thing, no fluke.

so just make some potent butter and eat alot of the cookies and from my one time experience it should work.

also, i only smoke one bowl a night typically, so not a heavy smoker. take this into consideration also.


Active Member
a couple weeks ago i cut my 2 males, they were about 1.5-2 feet tall. instead of throwing them away as usual, i said... "fuck it, im gonna try to make some butter out of them" honestly i didnt expect to get high at all.

so i used one cube of butter for both the plants. (I am assuming you know the process). i made one batch of 12 cookies. my wife and i each ate 3 cookies. and it actually worked. i was actually high, not some "i think im high", but legitly high. then next night we ate the other 3 each and same thing, no fluke.

so just make some potent butter and eat alot of the cookies and from my one time experience it should work.

also, i only smoke one bowl a night typically, so not a heavy smoker. take this into consideration also.

hey, thanks for the input!! +rep

I will definetly atleast try this then, to see how it comes out. Worst thing that could happen was I made brownies that didn't get me high. I dunno about ya'll, but I love some brownies no matter what. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i reread your post and your looking for how to do it.

i just grind up the plants in a food processor, or something similar. cover them in water and add the butter in as well. i bring to a mild boil then lower the heat and simmer for many hours, until all or almost all of the water is evaporated. i then place the remaining liquid in a bowl then put it in the fridge overnight. the liquid should be solid the next morning with maybe a little liquid trapped at the bottom. good luck