how to do a taste test


Active Member
my hairs are 50/50 red now and i have heard u can take a lower flower and try it out. i was wondering how you do this. does it need to dry or can u cut and try? thanks for any info


Well-Known Member
yes it has to dry, most when taking a sample use a quick dry technique, and then try it out... check the grow faq for some quick drying techniques


Well-Known Member
ok...... ask for any stupid thing....ofcourse it has to be dryed out...... i',m ridiculous haha be it


Active Member
thanks bigd thats all i needed to know much appreciated. and cheet, crap like urs is what makes it hard to find a nice place to ask questions. just like ur last post, clarity would be nice. anyway i shouldnt stoop to ur level. thanks cheet have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
just wrapped the nug in a napkin put in the microwave for a minute or so till it feels dry, but only do this for a quick sample if you cant wait cuz the weed willl loose some potency when you do this. good luck