how to do perpetual


Active Member
so how do i do perpetual grow i have a 4k watt flower room and a veg/clone room the flower room is a 12x8 room ive been growing for a while now but i always just keep it simple clone veg than flower and so on but i wnna have a harvest every 4 weeks now how can i come abou this how is it done what are the steps i know i might sound like a air head lol but i just dnt know wen to cut the clones or what week to start the next round u know can someone break it down for me step by step plz thanks in advance the riu community has helped me out threw thick and thin and i wnna thank all of you i consider this site as a family oh yes and i grow in soil just in case it makes a difference i know hydro is a lil faster in growth


Well-Known Member
Veg mother plants
Take cuttings from mother plants at least once every 4 weeks depending on how long you plan to veg the clones.
Veg clones
Put clones in flower.
4 weeks later put more clones in flower
4 weeks later harvest and put new clones into flower


Active Member
that was the easiest to read giant sentence i've ever seen.

Base your perpetual off threads like the one linked above ^ Make any changes necessary to fit your space/style etc. It won't be too hard if you put a little thought into it.


Well-Known Member
perpetual is easy fun. I always assume half my clones wont take, so i take like 20 clones. then i get like 18 nice clones lol, usually 3 or 4 strains at a time. Im paranoid about buying seeds so I if I get a nice plant I clone it forever. ok so ive got 8 or so plants in flower. 2 or 3 plants spaced 2 or so weeks apart. so every 2 or 3 weeks I need 2 or 3 plants to put in flower. everythings goin great. then 6 weeks later I still have 8 or so plants in flower and have 10 or so clones that by now are gettin kinda big. so then I take more clones from those 10 plants and have 18 or so new small clones. by then I need a few more for flower. every once in a while I have too many clones so I either toss em or if its early summer I'll take em out to my favorite secluded fishing hole and stick em in the ground. then I get back from fishin and have 18 or so new clones to start the cycle over. then I wanna start a new strain so i get that growin till its big enough to take clones. soon as I'm sure the clones take I put the original in flower. somethin like that


Active Member
i want to veg until there 2-3ft tall so ill probably veg each set for 4-6 weeks idk im assuming so ill cut clones in the second week of batch 1 by week 4 ill put the first batch into flower and batch 2 will be in 2 weeks of vegg so ill cut another set that would be batch 3 so by the 4th week of batch2 batch1 would be in 2 weeks of flower and batch 3 would be in 2 weeks of vegg so in the 4th week of batch1 of flower batch2 would b in week 2 of flower and batch 3 would be in 4th week of veg which by than ill have batch 4 in 2 weeks of veg so now batch1 is in week 6 of flower and batch2 is in 4th week of flower and batch3 in second week of flower and batch 4 in 4th week of vegg we move on into the 8th week of flower for batch1 which is harvest time suppose its a 8 week strain which leaves batch2 in week6 of flower batch3 in week4 of flower batch4 in week 2 of flower and batch5 in 4th week of veg and batch6 in week 2 of veg and so on so i think i can do this wat you guys thing i think i confused everyone but if i do this than ill harvest every 2 fcking weeks which is better than every month lol i know i kno it sounds confusing but i just thought of this method so veg for 2 weeks cut more clone in the 4th week ill put into flower and so forth wat u guys think i sound like an idiot for writing all this lol just like dude in the link did thanks for that link by the way m8


Active Member
im an idiot im to toasted i just explained wat the op of the link wass discribing just in a confusing way srry m8s lol