How to get a big stalk...

What nutrients should I use to get a big stalk? I am using dwc in 5 gal buckets. So how much nutrients should I give it to get a big stalk? Thanks!


Active Member
Im not exactly sure what to give a plant for the stalk to thicken, or "get big". However, i have found that "roughing up" young plants promotes very healthy sturdy growth. I generally take hold of the bottom of the stalk a give it a nice little shake. Much like a strong gust of wind. Also you can give the branches a few good shakes a day and that will toughen them up as well. Just make sure your not and idiot and shake it so hard it brakes. Basically your just giving the plant some "light stress", or weathering it if you will. Ive gotten to the point that my plants dont need to be tied up even with massive colas. This works very well in my experience.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Keep a fan blowing on your girls. That helps to strengthen the stalks. The size of the stalk is determined by the space the roots have. The bigger the pot, the bigger the plant. The bigger the plant, the bigger the stalk. :)


Active Member
What nutrients should I use to get a big stalk? I am using dwc in 5 gal buckets. So how much nutrients should I give it to get a big stalk? Thanks!
You already asked that question in another thread you started. AND you got several answers! ....Are you a TROLL?