how to get away with growing( but everybody breaks rule 1)


Well-Known Member
Hey That5hit
man ignore them peeps, you are 100% right on.
People that dont give a shit about privacy are the fools I see in the paper, I love watching other stupid crews getting busted, yeah hope they have fun showing off and then talking about it in jail while I supply their guys and take the cash.
Plain old stupid.
So what if it is a report, a worthy read, especially when people can't think things out.
Obviously they are mad because they screwed up too much and there is no undoing it once you tell, so now they dont want to admit they have PLENTY to be worried about.
Oh well hope the rest of you dont get nailed, but that's what happens when you don't plan things out.
Just like I stash my seeds elsewhere so they can't get my strains, plp always loose their work and all in raids, not me if it happens.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I can constructively add something here. When it comes to your alarm , there is more than 1 way to do that. You can have the alarm system page you, call your cell phone. You can also have the monitoring company only call you or the numbers you provide, and never call the police. They will do whatever procedure you want, you might have to provide instructions in writing. Plenty of regular law abiding citizens do not want the police mucking things up, some would like to aprehend a criminal themselves so they can be the "Hero".

Personally I have my own personal CCTV system that is all connected to a Digital Video Recorder and is on the net behind password protected security. I also have a nice alarm system that sends all communications by Radio link, I do not have reg phone service. I can turn the system on and off, check all cameras, make audio recordings, trip sirens and relays that activate lights and such, speak through the alarm keypad and a bunch of other stuff like control and monitor my PH, temperatures, turn AC on and off etc and I can do it from anywhere in the world with a PC and a Internet connection. Its trick shit! The DVR records all 12 cameras 24 hours a day and holds a total of 5 weeks of recordings before deleting the old to make room for the new.
WOW how much does that setup cost$$$$$$$$


Well-Known Member
I am a medical grower in WA. ST. and don’t worry about the cops because I am legit. However I am more worried about robbers busting in and trying to take my shit. People know about my grow, but it’s just the norm where I live. Everyone I know is a close friend, and I don’t kick it with strangers. I own a pit as you can see from my avatar, and she is loyal to all hell and would kill someone if she thought they were going to harm us. As much as it would be fucked up if for some reason the cops came in guns drawn, at least they are trained to use a weapon. See when the crack head, gang banging, gun slinging robbers come in they beat your ass they will hit your kids and old lady and shit, plus they don’t know how to even hold a weapon correctly. So thieving ass robbers to be more vastly feared than the cops in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I am a medical grower in WA. ST. and don’t worry about the cops because I am legit. However I am more worried about robbers busting in and trying to take my shit. People know about my grow, but it’s just the norm where I live. Everyone I know is a close friend, and I don’t kick it with strangers. I own a pit as you can see from my avatar, and she is loyal to all hell and would kill someone if she thought they were going to harm us. As much as it would be fucked up if for some reason the cops came in guns drawn, at least they are trained to use a weapon. See when the crack head, gang banging, gun slinging robbers come in they beat your ass they will hit your kids and old lady and shit, plus they don’t know how to even hold a weapon correctly. So thieving ass robbers to be more vastly feared than the cops in my opinion.
Well sir, you shouldn't have put your family in that position to begin with, that's why my Wifey is the only one that knows about it, would be the same if it were legal. I don't have to worry about that shit. Sorry to be blunt man, but that's that truth of it.

That being said I don't need a dog, and if I needed protection I would snatch up my 30/30 and take care of it myself.
But since I don't have to worry my weapons are stored elsewhere, I wouldn't really wanna have guns with weed, they call those plp around here "thugs".

Crack heads are by far worse than cops, I've had to deal with em b4 and yeah I'd never let 1 know what city I was in, let alone where I lived, that's begging for some trouble.


Well-Known Member
Although i know these rules and live them its the first time i have seen them in a post so fuck all the haters there probly just cops trying to get a rise out of u so they can bust you in some way. Thank you for your info and again fuck the haters.

I mean they smoke weed so why should they be such fucking arragant pricks


Active Member
I agree with these rules. it is really f#ing hard to keep it secret. Back when i was growing I showed it to my close friend once. he got super excited about it, and started blabbing around about "one of my friends... blah blah" . I had a lucky chance to make him believe my plants were confiscated by my mom (i live by myself). broke his heart, but probly saved my ass. After that kept it total secret.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the only way to MAKE SURE you keep your grow, is to keep it to yourself.

I sit around a listen to people talk their shit all the time, and about others, like I want to be in their conversation like that when i'm not around.
Think about it, we all talk about everyone else's shit.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I am a medical grower in WA. ST. and don’t worry about the cops because I am legit. However I am more worried about robbers busting in and trying to take my shit. People know about my grow, but it’s just the norm where I live. Everyone I know is a close friend, and I don’t kick it with strangers. I own a pit as you can see from my avatar, and she is loyal to all hell and would kill someone if she thought they were going to harm us. As much as it would be fucked up if for some reason the cops came in guns drawn, at least they are trained to use a weapon. See when the crack head, gang banging, gun slinging robbers come in they beat your ass they will hit your kids and old lady and shit, plus they don’t know how to even hold a weapon correctly. So thieving ass robbers to be more vastly feared than the cops in my opinion.
be carefull with them most of all
back when i was breaking into peoples houses. i would always have been in there house atleast once( become some kid at schools friend and then go over his house for some sega, or nintendo and then me and my cousin would skip school the next day and do the deed , as ez as pie, youll be surprised what kids share the frist time they meet someone, (my mom is never at home, she works doing the day so she can be at home with me when i get out of schools)
no robber ever travels to the other side of town to break into your house, its more likely then not some one who, lives on your block, hangs out with you, hell, even related to you, especially when they are hurting, and they think you have more then plenty to go around, and you are telling them "this is my buget weed , i grow enough to last me tell next harvest" all while blowing white widow smoke in there face. they'r not trying to hear that shit,
they'r going to kick the door in and take your shit(tv's and all), and then they'r going to come over and say,"hey bro what happened to your house, what someone robbed you, damn thats fucked up, wow right before harvest, what a shame,,, hay you need any help cleaning this shit up.." all while blowing early harvest white widow smoke in your face.... TRUST NOONE especially when your legal, becouse me , ill do it and justify it by saying "hes legal he can just grow some more, i, atleast somked it with him"
now i feel better

Well sir, you shouldn't have put your family in that position to begin with, that's why my Wifey is the only one that knows about it, would be the same if it were legal. I don't have to worry about that shit. Sorry to be blunt man, but that's that truth of it.

That being said I don't need a dog, and if I needed protection I would snatch up my 30/30 and take care of it myself.
But since I don't have to worry my weapons are stored elsewhere, I wouldn't really wanna have guns with weed, they call those plp around here "thugs".

Crack heads are by far worse than cops, I've had to deal with em b4 and yeah I'd never let 1 know what city I was in, let alone where I lived, that's begging for some trouble.
he's right

Yeah the only way to MAKE SURE you keep your grow, is to keep it to yourself.

I sit around a listen to people talk their shit all the time, and about others, like I want to be in their conversation like that when i'm not around.
Think about it, we all talk about everyone else's shit.
this is the hardest time of all to keep to yourself especially when someone says something tottaly worng, or give some funked up advice- i find myself rummbleing like a valcano


Well-Known Member
be carefull with them most of all
back when i was breaking into peoples houses. i would always have been in there house atleast once( become some kid at schools friend and then go over his house for some sega, or nintendo and then me and my cousin would skip school the next day and do the deed , as ez as pie, youll be surprised what kids share the frist time they meet someone, (my mom is never at home, she works doing the day so she can be at home with me when i get out of schools)
no robber ever travels to the other side of town to break into your house, its more likely then not some one who, lives on your block, hangs out with you, hell, even related to you, especially when they are hurting, and they think you have more then plenty to go around, and you are telling them "this is my buget weed , i grow enough to last me tell next harvest" all while blowing white widow smoke in there face. they'r not trying to hear that shit,
they'r going to kick the door in and take your shit(tv's and all), and then they'r going to come over and say,"hey bro what happened to your house, what someone robbed you, damn thats fucked up, wow right before harvest, what a shame,,, hay you need any help cleaning this shit up.." all while blowing early harvest white widow smoke in your face.... TRUST NOONE especially when your legal, becouse me , ill do it and justify it by saying "hes legal he can just grow some more, i, atleast somked it with him"
now i feel better

he's right

this is the hardest time of all to keep to yourself especially when someone says something tottaly worng, or give some funked up advice- i find myself rummbleing like a valcano
Man I wish you had not just sat there and said you stole from people, that's plain old not cool, someone stole some gonja from me a old friend and I kicked his fat ass down 2 flights of stairs so he could break his knee on the concrete. Lucky that didn't happen to you huh? That aside. I never stole from anyone, even when I was a arrogant snot nose kid.

But yeah like I hear shit like "ohh man it it has 5 or 7 leaves per fan leaf (cant remember which way she said, but she was a moron like I cared what a pill head thinks) anyways she would say you early sex a plant by how many fan leaves it has or some shit and I was like yeah you do that... cough stupid bitch cough... lol

yeah all the plp I chill with think they know it all, but I haven't heard a since thing that was so.

But yeah your right your "friends, buds, bros" they are really your enemy, treat them as such and learn all you can so when they start dicking with you and all all you need to do is call their probie.

See I learn that cell phones are fucking killer and I have a good 80+ meeting nicly archived so if someone wants to play the blame game with me, I dont have to say anything, oh well search here for this hard drive I have and check out the MPGs on it. LOL
Always have something on them, otherwise you will have nothing in jail.

I always use survelance, now I never have anyone over, noone knows where I live.

I live in the smack dab middle of town with great neighbors so anyone breaking in will have a hard time considering the po po station is not even half a mile away.

Gotta be smart if your gonna stay free and stoned.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Man I wish you had not just sat there and said you stole from people, that's plain old not cool, someone stole some gonja from me a old friend and I kicked his fat ass down 2 flights of stairs so he could break his knee on the concrete. Lucky that didn't happen to you huh? That aside. I never stole from anyone, even when I was a arrogant snot nose kid.

But yeah like I hear shit like "ohh man it it has 5 or 7 leaves per fan leaf (cant remember which way she said, but she was a moron like I cared what a pill head thinks) anyways she would say you early sex a plant by how many fan leaves it has or some shit and I was like yeah you do that... cough stupid bitch cough... lol

yeah all the plp I chill with think they know it all, but I haven't heard a since thing that was so.

But yeah your right your "friends, buds, bros" they are really your enemy, treat them as such and learn all you can so when they start dicking with you and all all you need to do is call their probie.

See I learn that cell phones are fucking killer and I have a good 80+ meeting nicly archived so if someone wants to play the blame game with me, I dont have to say anything, oh well search here for this hard drive I have and check out the MPGs on it. LOL
Always have something on them, otherwise you will have nothing in jail.

I always use survelance, now I never have anyone over, noone knows where I live.

I live in the smack dab middle of town with great neighbors so anyone breaking in will have a hard time considering the po po station is not even half a mile away.

Gotta be smart if your gonna stay free and stoned.

sorry man, but this is me, who i am (who i was), not proud, people change . a time ago i would have thought it was lame as hell to be talking over the internet- i am a self taught person every thing i know is from what i taught myself- i have lessthen an 8th grade ed., as you can see i cant spell and my grammer is shitty as hell. and some guy on here said i had the worst punctuation ever....? what the hell is that??? is that a new weed strain or something. it took me some time to be confertable enough to even type online where people could see and read my type- kindof like a person talking in public- i really hate when people grade my work, its like they mis the whole point. to buzy gradeing your work

but really i was just trying to get this guy to not be so trusting, its the ones closest to you that hurt you the most.
weather you growing weed or collecting diamonds show and till noone ( and yes to me thats on the same level) every time superman took someone to the fortress he gat fucked - hey Kal-El there's is a reason they call it the fortress of solidtude.


Well-Known Member
sorry man, but this is me, who i am (who i was), not proud, people change . a time ago i would have thought it was lame as hell to be talking over the internet- i am a self taught person every thing i know is from what i taught myself- i have lessthen an 8th grade ed., as you can see i cant spell and my grammer is shitty as hell. and some guy on here said i had the worst punctuation ever....? what the hell is that??? is that a new weed strain or something. it took me some time to be confertable enough to even type online where people could see and read my type- kindof like a person talking in public- i really hate when people grade my work, its like they mis the whole point. to buzy gradeing your work

but really i was just trying to get this guy to not be so trusting, its the ones closest to you that hurt you the most.
weather you growing weed or collecting diamonds show and till noone ( and yes to me thats on the same level) every time superman took someone to the fortress he gat fucked - hey Kal-El there's is a reason they call it the fortress of solidtude.
Acutally I was wrong for being harsh, you were man enough to admit doing it, so you have grown, most wouldn't or would say their homie did it, but you were honest and that's a trait most don't have.
I was wrong about you, sorry man, when I don't have weed my mind is cloudy.

Ah we all do stuff we aren't proud of, I'm def one of those. I've done my share of hurting others, yeah last year I wouldn't get on a site like this, and my plants died because of it. Ah I would tell someone that says something about my grammar to piss the fuck off, if they don't like it go on to someone else.

Our education system is for shit, they care about nothing, and nothing has changed in many a year, so that's not surprising, it doesn't make you any less intelligent.

Ah in life everyone juges everything you do, just pay em no mind, it's not like what someone thinks has anything to really do with you anyway, let em think.
Most people,can't think for themselves anyways, how else would we have the current president... LOL that's prob forbidden topic so Ill get away from that.

Anyways man, I'm sorry for being harsh.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Acutally I was wrong for being harsh, you were man enough to admit doing it, so you have grown, most wouldn't or would say their homie did it, but you were honest and that's a trait most don't have.
I was wrong about you, sorry man, when I don't have weed my mind is cloudy.

Ah we all do stuff we aren't proud of, I'm def one of those. I've done my share of hurting others, yeah last year I wouldn't get on a site like this, and my plants died because of it. Ah I would tell someone that says something about my grammar to piss the fuck off, if they don't like it go on to someone else.

Our education system is for shit, they care about nothing, and nothing has changed in many a year, so that's not surprising, it doesn't make you any less intelligent.

Ah in life everyone juges everything you do, just pay em no mind, it's not like what someone thinks has anything to really do with you anyway, let em think.
Most people,can't think for themselves anyways, how else would we have the current president... LOL that's prob forbidden topic so Ill get away from that.

Anyways man, I'm sorry for being harsh.

i agree sir with what you said,,


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trust anyone to know if I was growing, except maybe my dad.

But I've also been jacked by a couple of my old friends.
Yeah the old find it out the hard way way huh?
Yeah that sucks, I cant tell my dad he works at a prison, so the less he knows the better off I am LOL

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
my very first grow ever( it was the worst but also the best ill exsplain some other time) was 4 bagseeds that i flowered for like 2-3 months these things grow so big that i had to keep cuting the tops off of them. they were taller then me and wider then the closet i kept them in, at the time i knew nothing about growing and found out the hard way that i had to put them on 12/12 to get so budz------- but any way buy the time i had some buds on them i was so happy that i wanted to show someone. so the person that i showed was a close friend of mine, this guy was the guy in the crew that had been to jail a bunch of times, carryed guns, started fight for no reason. you know a real bad ass. i showed him my plants, and you had to be there to see his face drop this guy gat so scared, the guy who i knew would one day polly kills somebody looked such like a pussy at that momment . i mean he really freaked out he started paceing the floor. this guy was having a nervios breakdown, he was all like "has these been back here the whole time" (we would always smoke in the front room and my bedrooms has always been offlimits to all. front room and bathroom only free to all. and the funny part of it all i head like the party house ) then he said "i gat to get out of here" and he really lift and never came back into my house he always had one excuse after the other, and this guy was a thug the real thing the type of guy you did not want beef with, but that was like 10 years ago and i nolongger live in that state or am i still in contact with dude. i laugh every time i think of how his face looked and how fast he ran out of there -------------------but shortly after that my rep went up in the hood and every one would ask me for weed and bitches came over all the time . i dont know if he told anyone but i know i wouldve if the shoe was on the other foot (at the time, but not now, then i was 19) and every one who came over always wanted to go into my rooms for one reson or anther


Well-Known Member
yeah. I don't think I'll be showign them off to anyone ever.
My wife does well at getting girls to come over and play, we save the weed for ourselves, we feed them vodka LOL