How To Get quick Connects?


Well-Known Member
Go to a party and tell everyone you can get them weed. Then when they call for some say your out and save there number and call them back when you need weed. Might work ay.


Asshole Patrol
I found this site a while back, before I went to Hawaii... Its got tons of locations, and some pretty solid shit about where, when and how to go about getting hooked up.

All I have to reference is the info on Seattle, and at the time it seemed to be pretty accurate. They definitely do some solid research! haha


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about getting busted posting on this site...they need this little thing called PROBABLE CAUSE!!! And they won't get that reading posts and looking at pictures. I am going with 14 year old kid theory on this one.


Well-Known Member
wow that site is pretty neat i checked my city which i am suprised is even on the list and it was like right on the money it listed the types of bud which was headiest of the headies to dirtiest of the scwhag which is true we have it all around here

then it was listing where to buy and it was funny it said for the good bud ask the local hippy kids which is funny cuz we have ALOT of local hippy kids and they can all get the funk

i know those are broad generalizations that could work anywhere but they match where i live exactly i thought it was hillaripous

diesel mecanix

Active Member
I agree with the 14 year old theory...if a cop was that dumb, I would grow in front of the police station with a necklace that had my general information on it.


Well-Known Member
That site (webehigh) didn't have my city... It did, however, have several of our suburbs. I need to be hitting up the prefab neighborhoods!



Well-Known Member
go to the bar and ask the bartender. they work for tips
Oh, and as a bartender... Please do not ask bartenders for a connection. It is the second most annoying request, after "make my drink really strong". I have people ask me all the time for shit, usually coke. However, the other night, I had another guy pick up for me because I had some shit to do. He had a guy tip him 9 grams of Purple Kush! I wanted to cry when I heard that story. I wish more people would tip me with weed. The other bartender did give me a little taste, though.
