How to grow a seed that won't germ....


This isn't practical, and I KNOW. So don't bitch about it, the only reason I'm making this thread is because as far as I know, I'm the only one that knows how to do this.

Ok... So sometimes seeds can take forever to germ or just won't at all. As a kid I was very impatient with growing (LOL). So I decided to try to force a seed to start, and it turns out that in the seed there is a protective covering. When this protective covering is taken off, all that remains is the cotyledon and root. Now this is all white until photosynthesis occurs, like so....


^ those were just put under light an hour ago and put in the cup last night after I cracked the seeds, took off the protective coat, and let sit over night in front of the heater for root developement.

The stem is starting to get its color and the leaves are turning slightly green. AND you can even see the first set of single bladed leaves.

How did I do this you ask?
I will explain in a minute, my food's getting cold, and I will post pics on how to do when I get more seeds.
These seeds are a friends strain (Watermelon Haze), that showed no signs of germing after 24 hours, so I did my emergency surgry.


Alright, I'm not going to waste my time explaining unless someone wants to know. SO just hit me up, no one's even viewed the page yet.


Well-Known Member
Hey, you want to post, post. I did in fact read your post and thought it was kind of rude to bait ppl like that, then say you gotta go eat dinner. Why not just wait and post it all then? Then I see you posted again so I'm thinking...ok, that wasn't long. But one begged you for more info so you gotta pout?


LOL, I just didn't feel like typing a couple paragraphs to explain it if no one wanted to know, it said zero views. AND I have to maybe possibly waste another seed to show, because it only works like 1 out of every three seeds, that's why its a last resort... Sorry, I'll start my thing and take some pics. Just check back in an hour or so.


Well-Known Member
just score the seed if they wont germ for you.....

get a piece of fine grit sandpaper or use the striking section of a box of matches to gently rub your seed against it

this removes the protective covering you were talking about:mrgreen: concentrate on the seems of the seed

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
If a seed does not germ, Fuck it. I do not want it anyway. Same thing with women, If she does not want to put out, Fuck her. I do not want her anyway. lol


If it's been seven days it won't work, they are just a puddle of mush inside it seed. And the protective coat I'm talking about is wrapped around the plant itself, not the hard shell on the out side. Thats to protect it from other shit like being stepped on by an animal and to keep it safe through winter. Last winter I threw seeds out when it was still below freezing and they just stayed frozen till spring, then sprouted. Without the shell around them that wouldn't be possible because during the day the sun would melt snow, etc. and get the plant itself wet, and then freeze it at night, killing it. I just got my pics, I'm going to explain h/o.


Well-Known Member
My interest is piqued. While I'm waiting lol...someone posted a while back about the sandpaper thing. Using a matchbox or small jewelry box etc, line the inside with fine sandpaper. Put a couple seeds in it and shake gently. I guess the premise is that it scores or scars the outside and lets moisture in. I have tried this. I had some that were being stubborn. Let them dry, then tried the box. They did germinate, but who knows? I'm keeping the box just in case.


Sorry for the back pics, all I got is a web cam, but anyway...
The only reason for doing this is if it's been less then two days and your seeds show no sign of germination. Second thing to keep in mind is that it will take some practice, so don't buy $50 seeds off the internet and try this (if you paid $50 for seeds that won't germ, you should get your money back anyway).
So here it is....
First off you need to get one side of the shell off the seed, the only way that I have found to do this successfully 9 times out of ten is to do it with you teeth and tounge (if someone finds a better way let me know)
This is what it will look like after that... Pardon the quality all I got is my webcam.
With Cover off.jpg
Ok, now is the tricky part, you could just plant that. But I've found that if a seed isn't mature enough to break out of its shell, it sometimes won't even be able to break out of it's protective coat. Usually, I would just throw these seeds away because I know that they are either premature and will take a long time to develope into a healthy veg stage, or they are just a weak strain and aren't even worth growing. Anyway, if you want to take off the protective coat, you need a needle (this will take some practice, so have some spare seeds).
Is where you want to stick the needle because it is in between the root/stem and adjacent cotyledon leaf. It is the protective coat surrounding them, and all you have to do is slide it off. This only works on a seed that is somewhat wet, or in other word an unsuccesfull germ.
Here's what you end up with...
Angiosperm outline.jpg
Just plant it root down obviously, and MAKE SURE your room isn't too hot, etc. because the protective coat is off. A cloning box over night is also a good idea for root developement (this will happen VERY fast because nothing is blocking it now). Within as little as a half an hour, photosythesis will be visible. This is very risky though, so as I said make sure you practice on some schwag. And I like colonuggs idea too, it's safer, so I would really just try that. I just wanted to finish what I started and throw in my two cents.


My interest is piqued. While I'm waiting lol...someone posted a while back about the sandpaper thing. Using a matchbox or small jewelry box etc, line the inside with fine sandpaper. Put a couple seeds in it and shake gently. I guess the premise is that it scores or scars the outside and lets moisture in. I have tried this. I had some that were being stubborn. Let them dry, then tried the box. They did germinate, but who knows? I'm keeping the box just in case.
Yeah, I like the sand paper idea better, I just never heard of it. Thanks for sharing....


Just took a pic of the two hour progress of the one's I started last night, got to photoshop though cause webcam quality suchs and I have to outline it's features.. I'll post in a min....


Yeah, it was so blurry I couldn't see shit in the pic. Still... I outlined what it looks like and it's photosythesis transition from white to green is greatly progressing.


Well-Known Member
All very interesting, jbake. To be honest, I don't think I'd go through all that for a seed. If the scarring method doesn't work, I don't bother. But then, I have purchased quality seeds so far for the most part, and have had few problems.


Well-Known Member
just score the seed if they wont germ for you.....

get a piece of fine grit sandpaper or use the striking section of a box of matches to gently rub your seed against it

this removes the protective covering you were talking about:mrgreen: concentrate on the seems of the seed
ok just do it


All very interesting, jbake. To be honest, I don't think I'd go through all that for a seed. If the scarring method doesn't work, I don't bother. But then, I have purchased quality seeds so far for the most part, and have had few problems.
Yeah, yeah... the only reason I did it last night I said it in my first post. My friends strain Watermelon Haze, he gave me some under developed seeds from a plant he pollinated slightly. I just wanted to grow his strain and they showed no signs of germing after over a day, and I really wanted to grow it, so it was a last resort. If I would have known the sand paper thing I would of tried it first though probably, but after so long (just a few days at the most), even this doesn't work because the seeds go to mush. LOL, I know this from trying this method on a 4 day old seed, and it smelled/tasted horribly. But I was just a kid and wanted to grow, and they were the only couple seeds I had from good bud.