How to grow auto-flowering northern lights


I would like to know how what type of lights to use, what type of pot to grow it in, what type of soil, and how much water to use. I would like for you to start from the time when you first get your seeds. Thank you for your time.
im growing royal dwarf also by royal queen, im using a 125w cfl, a gallon pot and cheap asda soil. i must admit, for cheap soil, its really good stuff. perlite for good drainage and nutri-grow nutes.

germinate your seeds in a glass of water for 2-3 days, never leave the seed in for more than 3 days.

before you plant your germinated seeds, water soil until drips are coming out the bottom of the pot. water in small amounts until this happens.

once soil is damp, plant seed about 2 cm down. i like to keep light off for about 2-3 hours so seed can get used from going from water to soil. after this time, put light on for either 18-6 or 20-4, i recommend 18-6 because plants do most growing at dark.

water until drips come from bottom every time your soil gets dry which can be anytime, DONT OVERWATER! this cause problems. same with underwater, you gotta get it just right

and the last thing you need to do, is research. you might not find much on the strain itself but research autoflowering before you commence growing.

hope this helped you, good luck growing!