how to hack a predator


Well-Known Member
The guy was a script kiddie. He was using a program called bifrost, its very plug and play, no skill involved. Google it and look, there's forums just as large as rollitup, dedicated to helping users with their bifrost issues, best ways to infect others, and step by step videos on building and using the infected file. 15 minutes and you could do what this guy did.

Problem is, most of these kids have the time to figure out how to use these programs, and accidentally infect some machine on a private network, and if their internet security people are worth their salt, they've got most of what they need to turn the "hacker" in. (the virus program stores the IP address of the hackers it can communicate with the hacker once its installed).

Whoever wrote it was brilliant, up until they made it publicly available.

Poke around here and see what kind of dumbshits have their hands on these things. --- ChaseNET

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
The guy was a script kiddie. He was using a program called bifrost, its very plug and play, no skill involved. Google it and look, there's forums just as large as rollitup, dedicated to helping users with their bifrost issues, best ways to infect others, and step by step videos on building and using the infected file. 15 minutes and you could do what this guy did.

Problem is, most of these kids have the time to figure out how to use these programs, and accidentally infect some machine on a private network, and if their internet security people are worth their salt, they've got most of what they need to turn the "hacker" in. (the virus program stores the IP address of the hackers it can communicate with the hacker once its installed).

Whoever wrote it was brilliant, up until they made it publicly available.

Poke around here and see what kind of dumbshits have their hands on these things. --- ChaseNET
Agreed. This looks like just another kid using someone elses tools too gain popularity on the net.

Anyone who is stupid enough to accept and open a .src file from a complete stranger deserves to have their pc fucked with, especially a pedo.


Well-Known Member
except maybe some of us who don't sit on computers all day goofing off that might not know any better. Not that I've done that, just saying. Don't make -PG- get rated -R- on your ass... lol

Anyone who is stupid enough to accept and open a .src file from a complete stranger deserves to have their pc fucked with...

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
Dude, you don't need to sit on your computer all day to know not to accept random files from strangers. It's common sense.


Well-Known Member
What is common sense is to look both ways before you croos the street! Kids these days come out of the womb knowing how to operate a computer. When I was at the top of my game I thought I was the shit but I was put in my place when a 14 year old punk ran circles around me.

So, there are some things that make sense but aren't always common sense when it comes to computers.

With all that being said, does anyone care to show me how to do something on my computer or show me how to mess with others? Nothing too hard though.

i love you mary jane

Active Member


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt bother personally, if u use it that pretty much makes u a skript kiddie as well. I prefer to read and learn about what its actually doin, then u start to find better programs to use.

Just out of interest anyone else in computer security (hobby or professional)?



Well-Known Member
yeah dude if u learned how to hack u could get so much shit and u could find out credit card numbers and buy shit for free and get so much shit it would be awesome u could also scare people and with them
This was fairly easy a few years ago, but banks and internet providers have clamped right up on internet fraud and alike. I wouldnt risk doing it these days unless ur really good.

when i read How to hack a Predator, i thought u ment the UAV predator (unmanned aerial vehicle)lol


Well-Known Member
Yea, my advice is to stay away from that stuff, unless you're infecting your own machines...just for learning experience. Its easily detected by most up to date anti-virus software, and if you accidentally infect the wrong person, or the right person who happened to be on the wrong computer...most decent system administrators would be able to trace you.

I was the kid in school who would get into the school systems network and remove peoples library fines, lost textbook fees, etc for half the cost.