how to make buds smell fruity???


Well-Known Member
i understand some strains naturally have a fruity smell but are there ways to add smell and taste while in flower, is it true u can add nails to ur soil to make diffrent smells? does mh or hps bring out smells??


Active Member
Mainly related to strain I believe. Never heard of the nails trick, not even sure how that would work. I don't think that the type of light would influence it either. There are some additives, primarily sweeteners or molasses based products that are marketed for final bud development, and I've heard a few people say that there is a different "taste" to those buds, but I've never noticed it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I had some NY Diesel once that smelled exactly like grapefruit when you broke it up. Potent as hell too. I loved that shit. I wish the producer I buy from would start another crop of it.


New Member
i grew afganistan kush flushed her with honey dam the fruity smell was there in the bag as well after 72 hrs off lights prior to cutting plants brought the thc level to its max i mean ya smoke half a joint and you almost need a wheel chair :))


Well-Known Member
Nails? Who the hell told you that? Lol. You need a strain that smells fruity. You can't add apple juice to the soil and hope the bud smells like it. The plant will break it down into compounds that can be used. You may be able to cure with apple slices or something in the jar and it might help, though I've never tried. Just watch for mold...