how to make plants grow quick as possible


Well-Known Member
This is where most growers go wrong you can not hurry a plant along.My advice to you would be buy a 250/150 watt hps you will see the plant grow before your very eyes.Cfl's and flouresents have not got the right power to get plants growing big quick.H.p.s lighting is not that exspensive either so i would get a good hps light and a good exaust fan this will last you years and will pay you back after the first grow.


eeew i cannot stand to see people do that to weed. look at ur plants...purple stems are normal but it is still a sign of malnutrition and have you noticed that the stems are really long and gnarled? they are crawling for light. you need a better light, oh and as far as the early budding thing, yeah you can do that, when the plant is nearing a foot tall (Ive done it with a 6 incher before) you can put the plant on 12/12 and it will flower. Ive never seen it before but you can probably make a sprout flower.


haha what I do is feed it Banana Peels an water (:(: This helps my chronic grow 3 inches a day (; massive growth on the flowers too.


Well-Known Member
wow first about the fdd magic water , should we be worried whats in it :? lolz. and as for me am real organic for a fert boost since i use compost and manure in my soil i feed them with molasses and this stuff called EM (effective micro organisms, they eat the molasses and make almost instant nitro for your ladies and while they do that they multiply like crazy then they break down the compost and manures in your soil making the goodies from your soil readily available without burning your plants. i also use milk but i use it in a leaf spray 1 part milk 9 parts water, it will help with powdery mildew and your plants will get extra CALcium and MAGnesium

and banana leaves? whats in em, we grow bananas here i have an abundance of them shits (if it was a jk i just fell for it ><)