*How to maximize the yield*


Well-Known Member
ey guys,
can u tell me what methods do u like to use to maximize ur yield?
Im being interested about light schedule.
I have heard smth about 11/13 and 13/11...anyways, gimme some ideas please :)

thanks ;)


New Member
great response rob, that really helps him out. man i hate when ppl think this site is meant for cracking jokes.

brun? you can max yield by keeping a consistent lighting schedule. you can max. yield by increasing veg. time and increasing the number of nodes your plant can produce buds from. you can increase yield by purchasing nutes that are meant for the flowering stage. you can increase yield by dropping the kelvin rating on ur bulbs near the red spectrum during flowering. you can increase yield by not harvesting too early.

ive heard from a grow company in cananda, called thc labs, that 2 weeks b4 you harvest, increase the light cycle to 14/10 to increase yield. this is obv. optional, but i will say that when they make a claim like this, they always grow one crop "normally" (the control group) and then another crop (same strain) w. the change and see what does better.

this is goos experiment practice.


Well-Known Member
thanks, vandula :)..but what do u think, should I try this 14/10 or just in case keep it under 12/12 till the end?

Heres a pics of my plant :) switched to 12/12 today and Im going to buy bloom ferilizer in few days.
When should I start giving nutes? As soon as possible?

and btw.. is it possible to predict roughly my plants yield? Its 57cm high atm - almost 2ft. In the end of the flowering it should be approximately 4ft high or more.

thanks ;)



New Member
do 12/12 for the majority of the flowering time. 14/10 is meant for the last 2weeks right before you harvest. im not swearing by this, it's something i saw on a dvd from a reputable growing company.

as far as nutes, im not really too sure. if your plants are healthy looking, which they do look that way, there's no rush. just continue at the schedule you're on.

as far as yield, there's no way to really tell. plant yield any where from 2-4oz. it depends how long you left in the veg. stage and number of nodes on each stem. probably depends a lot on the strain too. this something no one will be able to judge.

see what other ppl think about the 14/10 schedule, it's only meant for the late stages of flowering when the plant is on it's most explosive growth.


Well-Known Member
Saying things like this makes me not want to help you.
LOL. He only has 4 feet in hight, and thinks SOG isn't right for him? Its his only option for big yield, I'd think.

Most likely, hes rather new and nervous about SOG'ing. Take it slowly and its all cool.


Green Thumb of God
I do 14-10 throughout my whole flowering but I don't know if it makes any difference to my yield. I do it because that is enough dark to keep them flowering and in my head I think the more light the better but I have no proof of that. Just habit.
actually i think that the plant does most of its growing during the night time.... using the day to obtain its ATP via photosynthesis.... you can try adding some UV lights *not black lights* but Tanning bulbs during the last couple weeks of your flowering.... THC is sunblock to cannabis plants so the more UV rad. that hits them the more THC your plant will make.... but idk im only a botany major:-P

Mad as a fart

Well-Known Member
If I was You id try bend it a bit to let more bud sites get light or id have topped it to keep her short. Just my 2cents.


Active Member
vadula; am i right in presuming this is 14 on and 10 off?
great response rob, that really helps him out. man i hate when ppl think this site is meant for cracking jokes.

brun? you can max yield by keeping a consistent lighting schedule. you can max. yield by increasing veg. time and increasing the number of nodes your plant can produce buds from. you can increase yield by purchasing nutes that are meant for the flowering stage. you can increase yield by dropping the kelvin rating on ur bulbs near the red spectrum during flowering. you can increase yield by not harvesting too early.

ive heard from a grow company in cananda, called thc labs, that 2 weeks b4 you harvest, increase the light cycle to 14/10 to increase yield. this is obv. optional, but i will say that when they make a claim like this, they always grow one crop "normally" (the control group) and then another crop (same strain) w. the change and see what does better.

this is goos experiment practice.


Active Member
i was told to stress the plant out during the final 2 weeks of flowering by trimming the vast majority of the fan leaves. Apparently it gives the plant the sense of death and therefor puts all its energy into the final stages of budding to spur on the pollination prosess. if any one else has any views on this comments would be greatly appreciated:-P
yes i heard that stress in the final 2weeks works wonders but i personally have not tried it i also heard it produces more thc to protect itself