how to put shrooms in chocolate?


Well-Known Member
I've had candies made from them before.

I think what was done was they were dried and powered into melted chocolate and poured into a mold.

They didn't taste bad at all I forgot was I was eating and then the couch tried to eat me.


Well-Known Member
tip though... when making chocolates.. if u powder ALL of the material then the trip will be faster and hit harder and not last as long.

i usually chop half and powder half... pour the molds half full with melted chocolate... mix in diced and powdered mushies with a toothpick and then top off with more melted chocolate


Active Member
i grind dried mushrooms in coffee grinder and then put them in a coffee filter.i tie the filter up and then barely boil them for about 15 or 20 minutes.i know some people say when you boil them you lose potentcy but i have tried boiling(just an easy rolling boil), and brewing in hot water with the same mushrooms and find the slow boil far more potent.when you drink the tea it hits you way harder and way faster than when you eat them.i dont suggest this for everyone but if you have eaten them in the past you will be know how halfway through a mushroom trip you usually need to take a shit(sorry to get graphic here) and it isnt a good one.well when i drink tea i dont have that happen.i think it is because of the delivery of the drug.sometimes the trip can not last as long this way but you can always save some tea and drink it a 1/4 of the trip and and it will give you a nice peak extension.happy tripping folks.