how to tansplant plants


Well-Known Member
depending on your grow space you'll want to move your plants into 3 or 5 gallon containers. how much vertical room do you have? what strain are your plants?

all you have to do is remove your plant from it's container and put it into the larger container with the appropriate amount of medium to fill it up. if the plant is rootbound, i like to cut off the last half inch of roots to get them growing again. someone may disagree with that practice but it always works for me.

after you transplant, make sure you get your babies a decent watering. they should be fine in a few days. if you see some drooping or yellowing, have no fear, it's just the plant adjusting to it's new environment. :peace:

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you dont have to transplant but you should. your plant will get a bigger root system and be heathier. also you wont need to water as often.
put enough soil in the bottom of the new pot so that the top of the rootball will be just a little depper than it was. invert the plant by supporting it with on hand and tap the bottom and it will slide right out.
carefull and quickly put it in the bigger pot. now put soil all the way around gently packing as you go. give it a good water and your done. here is a link to read about transplanting.