How to use cal mag plus


Well-Known Member
I just bought a bottle of cal mag plus. Never really had serious deficiencies, but want my new crop to be in even better shape. Bottle says 5ml per gallon. Should I mix it at full strength (5ml per gallon) I tested it on some peppee plants yesterday and they look green and healthy this morning. Ok so it says use with every watering? Do you experienced growers wait for deficiences, or simply use cal mag as a steady supply of added nutrients to your base nutrients? I am guessing seedlings dont need cal mag introduced until 2-3 weeks? Last question, do you feed in flower up until flush? I was reading that the magnesium is beneficial during flowering.


Well-Known Member
if your soil was ammended with dolomite lime you wont need cal mag in early stage of veg...I use a seperate mag and cal additive ..since you may lack only Mag or Cal...why over load with the one not lacking..can cause a lock out...use epsom salt for mag..peppers also love them up nice....for calcium I use cutting edge Plant Amp...its just calcium...your leves will let you know whats lacking....and mag is great during budding..they eat it up fast...the plants will let you know...keep it simple...


Well-Known Member
I use RO water which removes minerals from water. I add 2ml calmag to every gallon. I go to 3-4ml in early flower, 5ml in mid-flower. I watch for ca or mg def. If mg, I add epsom salt (1/2 tsp/gal). If ca def, that's a little harder to treat individually because ca isn't as easily acquired as epsom salt. I increase calmag (at the risk of increasing mg when it's not necessary).

I dissolved some eggshells to create calcium acetate.(<<link). Kept some in liquid, evaporated some into dry ca. I'm going to try this the next time I get a ca def.

I use 1-1/2 to 2 Tbsp finely powdered dolomite lime per gallon of soil. That should reduce deficiencies and it stabilizes your soil ph.


Well-Known Member
Correcting (Mg)..def plants is the best fun nooby or old growers can do, if your are careful it happens right b4 your eyes
best is to ensure that your plant is (Mg). def, look for the tell tale yellow veins in the leaf, and in most cases the leaves go yellow top to bottom unlike (N) def plants that go bottom to top, plants become (Mg) def....magnesium deficient, as cannabis use a lot during mid life, late veg and again mid bud, guys who use only RO water always get and fight with (Mg) def all their grows, even worse for new growers spoiling their plants with RO water.
Do ensure your plants are deficient in (Mg) and apply 1/2 teaspoon to a pint spray bottle, fill with warm water shake well and spray the entire plant 2-3 times per day, you may wanna take a pic before and after, just to will take some hours to work depending on how (Mg).def she was

Calmag and Epsom salts is still the best...soak your feet in some and relate to your plant!


Active Member
If you are useing ro water use 5 ml per gallon. Even 7ml if you got deficiencies .middle to late of flower lower to 3 ml per gallon monitor your plants always .this is my experience with it.


Well-Known Member
have a quick question here.
Im about to flip. what if my plant still not 100% recover from Calmag def.
Do i wait till it fully recover?


Well-Known Member
Pour it in the toilet.

Either use more of your stock solution that contains calcium nitrate, or buy a 1-5 pounds of calcium nitrate.

cal-mag+ is another redundant diluted additive. I can't believe so many people think they need this product for RO water.