How would one find this "jobs report"?


Well-Known Member
Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 96,000 in August. Since the beginning of this year, employment growth has averaged 139,000 per month, compared with an average monthly gain of 153,000 in 2011.
Basically they were expecting to produce 139,000 jobs, but only 98,000 were made. They overestimated last months gains by 20,000 and underestimated unemployed by 22,000.

Most of the new jobs created are food and drink server positions (28,000 of the 98,000 jobs created or 29% of jobs)


Well-Known Member
You know, if we wouldn't get all our shit made in china we'd have a ton of jobs. BUT what American really wants to sit in a sweat shop all day sewing shirts for asshole children. OR if the economy was booming and people were building houses left and right opening new business, stores, shops the lot people would have jobs building that shit then people needed to run the stores once they're open. For that though, the middle class would need to have money to spend, that they don't so nothing happens. I'm just ranting...

OR if marijuana was legal that would open up a huge market for cannabis factories, hemp factories, making clothes biodiesel yada yada. That would probably help our shitty situation but you know. Drugs r bad mkkay


Well-Known Member
You know, if we wouldn't get all our shit made in china we'd have a ton of jobs. BUT what American really wants to sit in a sweat shop all day sewing shirts for asshole children. OR if the economy was booming and people were building houses left and right opening new business, stores, shops the lot people would have jobs building that shit then people needed to run the stores once they're open. For that though, the middle class would need to have money to spend, that they don't so nothing happens. I'm just ranting...
