How Would You Describe the USA to a Foreigner?


Well-Known Member
Well, it's overall a really nice place, we've got running water in every single city, electricity to spare, gas on every corner to get us to wherever we need to go, the freedom to choose what we want to do with our lives, who we want to do it with, and where we want to do it. The people couldn't be friendlier, happier, or more intelligent. Employment is on the rise, homeless, teen pregnancies, STD's, drug use, all on the fall. The police do an excellent job of protecting the civilians and have an unprecedented track record at quelling violence. The politicians main priorities are the issues which affect the majority of people globally, not just American citizens, and their track records reflect having their best interests in mind. The food is 5 star, which has always confused me because it's also listed as the healthiest food people can eat... which makes sense when you look at the overall obesity statistics.. Corporations successfully manage their own pollution, banks don't charge $13/month simply to have a checking account, everybody recycles.. I can't think of a better place to live than the United States of America!

OK... for real though..


Well-Known Member
id say it is a land SO wealthy... that NO one should ever be homeless or even starve to death...

but it unfortunately still happens all of the time...
It's 3,000 miles wide by 2,000 north-south. It has every climate type and elevation. It has some of the best natural beauty in the known world. It has people of every skin color and religion. If you're busy complaining you're not busy exploring.


Well-Known Member
I agree and disagree with you. I think its the best country in the world but also the most fucked up country as well. I mean health care and college tuition are out of control for NO REASON and everyone knows it and prices for both are still increasing. IMO we are becoming more ignorant and lazy every day. Hell we won't even pick strawberries anymore. We let illegals into our country to do that, then complain that there here illegally.

Believe it or not, U.S is very dangerous. Just as dangerous as any 3rd world country. 1 in 3 people owns guns. Our government cannot even establish a budget !! We don't solve economic problems in this country, we just print money. In the very near future we are going to see major inflation and interest rates rise. Look at the inflation in food and gas prices already. Just wait another 2-3 years, shit is really going to hit the fan. In the last 10 years the government has taken huge civil liberties and constitutional rights away from us and they claim its to protect us. Yeah right, tapping my phone calls, reading my emails, and monitoring my financial records is really protecting me.

The food in this country is both the best and the worst. We have some of the finest organic natural food you can find, at the same time we have more processed food as well which is terrible for you. Thats the really reason people are obese, because of so much processed and fried food. Banks SO charge 10-13 dollar a month sur charge if you don't maintain a 1,000 balance in your account depending on what type of checking account you have I.E. direct deposit.

If I had to describe the U.S. to a foreigner i would say it's still the best country in the world and the food portions are huge !

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i always wondered what it's like for someone from an african country where fat=affluent to come here and find the opposite is generally true within these borders. and then to see a common man screaming and protesting in public while wearing a tutu and a propeller beanie. depending on where you come from, the US is like the bizarro world.

i think we have some of the best food as far as variety. you can find food from india, brazil, and everywhere in between. maybe not always as good as the best those countries have to offer, but it's all here is the point. no matter where you're from you can find some home cookin'.

describing the place is impossible, though. it's so large and diverse you can't really put it in a nutshell. i would hate for someone to form their opinion of the whole country after visiting mississippi, for example.


Well-Known Member
i always wondered what it's like for someone from an african country where fat=affluent to come here and find the opposite is generally true within these borders. and then to see a common man screaming and protesting in public while wearing a tutu and a propeller beanie. depending on where you come from, the US is like the bizarro world.

i think we have some of the best food as far as variety. you can find food from india, brazil, and everywhere in between. maybe not always as good as the best those countries have to offer, but it's all here is the point. no matter where you're from you can find some home cookin'.

describing the place is impossible, though. it's so large and diverse you can't really put it in a nutshell. i would hate for someone to form their opinion of the whole country after visiting mississippi, for example.
Honestly, great post! This is what I'd hoped to achieve with the OP. Thank you!

I want to open up a window of education into our culture. It's not perfect, people need to realize that.

It is however, a great model to look to for progress. Nothing is perfect, but that doesn't render progression moot, too.

The country, overall, I'd say is great, it's just a few retarded positions that hold us back exponentially. Honestly, we would be on Star Wars/Star Trek type levels if it weren't for the religious people holding us back..

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
you have freedom but its slowely going away. the country is becoming more orwellian. they want to start having cctv cameras up like they do in europe to look over poeple. but mostly track certain people. they government lies to everyone. just yesterday they said that ron paul steped out of the running. he is the head of a whole movement. people arnt gonna let him give up/ he wont let himself give up when there are thousands of people coming to his speeches. the governemnt lies about what they do. why they go to war. why they do anything. and its the fucking media also. why is obamas stance on gay marriage such a big fucking deal. he is for states rights to choose about gay marriage and that is how it has been. and how he has been so why is such a big deal now? its weird that that stupid topic is such a big deal in the media but the Ron Paul Movement isnt spoken about by any news company. the media is controlled by the government which is controled by big business that controls the polititians. it is nice having a free market tho. you get alot of products and alot of different foods and what not. even though most of the food in the USA is GMO and are not known to be good or bad for your health. europe wont even allow gmos. theres always pros and cons.

cary schellie

Active Member
full of a bunch of fat ass muther fuckers. We need to get it together, how embarrassing the amount of extremely over weight people


bud bootlegger
these are some of the things i don't like about the u.s.
we jail more of our citizens then any other country in the world..
gun violence and murders are off the hook when compared to many other countries.
healthcare is an effin joke.. i once paid $1500 to walk into the er and get a bandage.. mind you i was in cuffs at the time, or i wouldn't have went..
the president is more of a figure head then anything else, and it seems as if big businesses are who are really running thinigs.
big pharma co's pump out more poison into our society everyday..
people are sue happy.. every other commercial on tv is either one by a big pharma co pushing their latest cure all or a law office suing said pharma co's for bad drugs..
we feel that we have to be the saviors of the entire world when we have enough problems going on in our own borders that should be taken care of first.
for being the land of the free, i saw more titties on regular broadcast tv in germany then i ever have in the us.. not that i think we need to see titties all the time, just showed me how censored we really are here..

some of the things i like about the us are it's diversity, in it's people and it's geography.. lots of cool things to see in the us..
lots of good eats, very varied, enough for w/e floats your boat..
we still do have some freedoms left for us that are incredible.